- Table - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- Table() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.Table
- table_breakdown_PWD_2013_05_17_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
- table_breakdown_REC_2014_03_18_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant table_breakdown_REC_2014_03_18_URI.
- table_filter_PWD_2013_05_17_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
- table_filter_REC_2014_03_18_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant table_filter_REC_2014_03_18_URI.
- table_parameter_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
- TABLE_PROCESSOR_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TABLE_VERSION - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The TABLE_VERSION property indicates the version of the Specification document this processor
is currently implementing
The possible value is TABLE_VERSION_PWD_2013_05_17 More values will be added in the future.
- TABLE_VERSION_PWD_2013_05_17 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The TABLE_VERSION_PWD_2013_05_17 property indicates the processor will use the PWD of 2013-05-17
specification version.
- TABLE_VERSION_REC_2014_03_18 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The TABLE_VERSION_REC_2014_03_18 property indicates the processor will use the REC of 2014-03-18
specification version.
- tableActionArcrole_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.rstable.RSTableProcessor
The Constant conceptAutofillArcrole_URI.
- tableActionNode - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.rstable.RSTableAction
The Constant tableActionNode.
- TableAspectNode - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableAspectNode() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableAspectNode
- TableAspectNodeFilterArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableAspectNodeFilterArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableAspectNodeFilterArc
- TableBreakdown - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableBreakdown() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableBreakdown
- TableBreakdownArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableBreakdownArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableBreakdownArc
- tableBreakdownArc_PWD_2013_05_17 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableBreakdownArc_PWD_2013_05_17.
- tableBreakdownArc_REC_2014_03_18 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableBreakdownArc_REC_2014_03_18.
- TableBreakdownTreeArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableBreakdownTreeArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableBreakdownTreeArc
- TableConceptRelationshipNode - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableConceptRelationshipNode() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableConceptRelationshipNode
- TableDefinitionNodeSubTreeArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableDefinitionNodeSubTreeArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableDefinitionNodeSubTreeArc
- TableDimensionRelationshipNode - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableDimensionRelationshipNode() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableDimensionRelationshipNode
- TableFilterArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableFilterArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableFilterArc
- tableFilterArc_PWD_2013_05_17 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableFilterArc_PWD_2013_05_17.
- tableFilterArc_REC_2014_03_18 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableFilterArc_REC_2014_03_18.
- TableHeader - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
Contains the properties of a table header so it can be easily translated to excel cells
- TableHeader(ConceptHeader) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableHeader
Instantiates a new table header.
- TableInfo - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
Table info in an object model representation of the hierarchy of items in the table
- TableInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableInfo
Instantiates a new table info.
- TableInfoException - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Class TableInfoException.
- TableInfoException() - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableInfoException
Instantiates a new table info exception.
- TableInfoException(String) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableInfoException
Instantiates a new table info exception.
- TableInfoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableInfoException
Instantiates a new table info exception.
- TableInfoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TableInfoException
Instantiates a new table info exception.
- tableOpenFilterNode - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.rstable.RSTableOpenFilter
The Constant tableOpenFilterNode.
- TableParameterArc - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableParameterArc() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableParameterArc
- tableParameterArc_PWD_2013_05_17 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableParameterArc_PWD_2013_05_17.
- tableParameterArc_REC_2014_03_18 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLTableProcessor
The Constant tableParameterArc_REC_2014_03_18.
- TableRuleNode - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table
- TableRuleNode() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.table.TableRuleNode
- tablesOfFallbackValues - Variable in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.GenerationContext
This is where all fall back value tables are stored by name.
- tagSelector - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.XBRLDefinitionNode
This is the attribute name "tagSelector" represented as a QName.
- Target - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.errors.XFxbrlcfieTooManyCFIRelationships
The Constant Target.
- TARGET_IS_NOT_CONCEPT - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TARGET_IS_NOT_CONTEXT - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TARGET_IS_NOT_FACT - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TARGET_IS_NOT_UNIT - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- targetAttribute - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.rstable.RSTableAction
The Constant targetAttribute.
- targetRole - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTProcessor
- TAXONOMY_PACKAGES_EXCEPTION - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TaxonomyBuilder - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions
Generates an XBRL DTS executing all the instructions available in one excel sheet prepared specifically for this purpose.
- TaxonomyBuilder(URI, String) - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilder
Creates a new TaxonomyBuilder instance.
- TaxonomyBuilder() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilder
Creates a new TaxonomyBuilder instance.
- TaxonomyBuilderException - Exception in com.rs.xbrl.instructions
The Class TaxonomyBuilderException.
- TaxonomyBuilderException() - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderException(String) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException - Exception in com.rs.xbrl.instructions
The Class TaxonomyBuilderException.
- TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.rs.xbrl.instructions.TaxonomyBuilderRuntimeException
Instantiates a new taxonomy builder exception.
- TaxonomyBuilderUtils - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions
The Class TaxonomyBuilderUtils.
- TaxonomyCatalogFileSystemView - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util.zip
The Class TaxonomyCatalogFileSystemView.
- TaxonomyCatalogFileSystemView(TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.TaxonomyPackage) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.util.zip.TaxonomyCatalogFileSystemView
Instantiates a new taxonomy catalog file system view.
- taxonomyMetadataPropertiesFileName - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.DTSCatalogURIResolver
The Constant taxonomyMetadataPropertiesFileName.
- taxonomyPackage - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
This is the taxonomyPackage element declaration using the last implemented namespace.
- TaxonomyPackage(String, File, String, Map<String, TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.PackageByLangInfo>, Map<URI, String>, Vector<TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.EntryPointHRefs>) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.TaxonomyPackage
Instantiates a new taxonomy package.
- TaxonomyPackageHomeFile - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util.zip
The Class TaxonomyPackageHomeFile.
- TaxonomyPackageHomeFile(String) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.util.zip.TaxonomyPackageHomeFile
Instantiates a new taxonomy package home file.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
This URI Resolver implements the Taxonomy Package 1.0 - Public Working Draft 15 January 2014
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver(URIResolver) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
Instantiates a new zip cascade uri resolver.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver(SchemaURIResolver) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
Instantiates a new zip cascade uri resolver.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.EntryPointHRefs - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
The Class EntryPointHRefs.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.EntryPointLangInfo - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
Represents an entry point in a taxonomy package.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.EntryPointLangInfoKey - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
The Class EntryPointLangInfoKey.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.PackageByLangInfo - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
Holds all elements that may contain different values by language.
- TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.TaxonomyPackage - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers
Represents a package (zip file) that contains a set of entry points and mapping rules
as indicated in the Taxonomy Packages Specification(s) .
- TaxonomyPrefixConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus0ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus0ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus0ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus0ConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus1ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus1ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus1ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus1ConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus2ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus2ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus2ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus2ConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus3ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus3ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus3ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus3ConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus4ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus4ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus4ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus4ConceptName
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus5ConceptName - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers
The Class TaxonomyPrefixPlus5ConceptName.
- TaxonomyPrefixPlus5ConceptName() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.resolvers.workers.TaxonomyPrefixPlus5ConceptName
- taxonomyWizardFileName - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.DTSCatalogURIResolver
The Constant taxonomyWizardFileName.
- tb - Variable in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.GenerationContext
The tb.
- TDimension - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
This is a dimension to bridge the table linkbase specification with the XBRLizer representation model
In this case, the TDimension holds the primary items to be reported for each particular cell.
- TDimension(QName, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TDimension
Instantiates a new t dimension.
- tellUserToUpgrade(RSRemoteCatalogResolver.StaticCatalogEntry) - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.gui.interfaces.RSRemoteCatalogGUI
Shall obtain from the remote application an action in order to let
the user know one file is not in the taxonomy catalog but the user's
license is also not valid at this time so the user cannot obtain the
taxonomy package .
- Term - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.autocalculation
The Class Term.
- Term(double, XBRLItem) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.autocalculation.Term
Instantiates a new term.
- terse_label_role_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.LabelLinkbase
The Constant terse_label_role_URI.
- terse_message_role_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.errors.XBRLResultMessage
The Constant terse_message_role_URI.
- test - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.assertions.XBRLExistenceAssertion
The Constant test.
- test - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.assertions.XBRLValueAssertion
The Constant test.
- test - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.filters.XBRLConceptRelationFilter
The Constant test.
- test - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.filters.XBRLGeneralFilter
The Constant test.
- test - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.XBRLVariablePrecondition
The Constant test.
- TestLoader - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.tools
Launches the execution of a loader engine from a .xbrle configuration file
- TestLoader() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.tools.TestLoader
Instantiates a new mapper to loader.
- textBeforeTwoTokens(String[], String[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.xbrlq.QueryParser
returns the text from the current position to the position of the next two tokens.
- TextRawImpl - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om
Class that extends TextImpl to permit the saxonica ReceiverOptions.NO_SPECIAL_CHARS option.
- TextRawImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.TextRawImpl
Instantiates a new text raw impl.
- textToHTML(String) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TextTools
Very simple transformation of a text string with carrier returns into an HTML text with
<br/> separators.
- textToHTMLtext(String) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TextTools
- TextTools - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util
The Class TextTools.
- TextTools() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TextTools
- TextTools.ClsStringWidthAndLines - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util
The Class ClsStringWidthAndLines.
- throwExceptions() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XBRLValidationReport
If the report contains XBRL Errors this method takes one of them and
throws it.
- TimeFilter - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.filters
The Class TimeFilter.
- timeItemType - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XBRLXSDTypeDefinition
The Constant timeItemType.
- Timer - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util
A Timer will invoke a method in another class at regular intervals
of time indicated by the timer.
- Timer(Timer.TimerTick, long, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.util.Timer
Creates a Timer that will be in not running status until
is called.
- Timer(Timer.TimerTick, long, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.util.Timer
Creates a Timer that will be in not running status until
is called.
- Timer.TimerTick - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.util
This is the interface that must be implemented by classes that
will receive events at the intervals indicated by the Timer
class when the timer is running.
- timerEvent() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.util.Timer.TimerTick
This is the callback function that will be called from the
same thread the timer is working.
- TimeSorterInstance - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.XBRLPeriod
Sorts Periods so they are ordered according to the following criteria:
(a) duration periods are ordered according to the date in the middle of the period.
- TimeSorterReverseInstance - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.XBRLPeriod
Sorts Periods as reverse TimeSorter order.
- TimeUtils - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.util
The Class TimeUtils.
- title - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.XLinkElement
The QName xlink:title.
- titleLocal - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xhtml.elements.BaseElem
The Constant titleLocal.
- to - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.XLinkElement
The QName xlink:to.
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.mapper.ListMapperFacts
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.mapper.ListMapperFacts
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.CollectionArray
To array.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.CollectionArray
To array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptyCollection
To array.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptyCollection
To array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptyList
To array.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptyList
To array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptySet
To array.
- toArray(T[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.EmptySet
To array.
- toArray() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.SortedCollection
To array.
- toArray(Z[]) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.SortedCollection
To array.
- toCellRangeAddressList() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.tools.excel.ExcelSheetPoint
Convenient method to create a POI CellRangeAddressList representing this cell.
- toCreate - Variable in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.GenerationContext
- toEntity(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.CompanyKey
Returns back a new generated XBRLEntity on the
DTSContainer indicated in the dts parameter.
- toEntity(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.IdentifierMember
To entity.
- toFactsListAspect() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.aspects.Aspect
Transforms the aspect into a constant defined in the CommonAspectRule for
the table processor.
- toFragment(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.MemberQName
To fragment.
- toFragment(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PMember
To fragment.
- toFragment(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.XMLFragmentMember
To fragment.
- toHTMLTooltip(String) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TextTools
Very simple transformation of a text string with carrier returns into an HTML text with
<br/> separators.
- tokenItemType - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XBRLXSDTypeDefinition
The Constant tokenItemType.
- toLoad - Variable in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.GenerationContext
- toLog4j(Level) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.LogUtils
To log4j.
- ToolsElem - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.xhtml.elements
The Class ToolsElem.
- toPeriod(DTSContainer, HandleDateStep.InstantMode) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ColumnPeriod
Transforms back this column period into an XBRLPeriod and considers some
special cases for duration periods: When mode is BOP an instant period
is returned and the date is set to this ColumnPeriod start date, When mode
is EOP an instant period is returned and the date is set to this ColumnPeriod
end date.
- toPeriod(DTSContainer) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ColumnPeriod
Transforms back this column period into an XBRLPeriod.
- toPeriod(DTSContainer, XBRLItem.PeriodType, HandleDateStep.InstantMode) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PeriodMember
To period.
- toRefs() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.ixbrl.elements.BaseIXRelationship
To refs.
- toRefsLocal - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.ixbrl.elements.IX11Attributes
The Constant toRefsLocal.
- toString() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.comparator.Event.EventNode
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.comparator.Event.EventNodeXBRLAttribute
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.comparator.Event.EventNodeXMLFragment
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.comparator.Event
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ClsPackQNameContainer
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ColumnPeriod
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.CompanyKey
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.DDimension
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.EDimension
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.history.HistoricalEventImpl
To string.
- toString() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.dts.history.HistoricalEventInterface
Returns a text representation of the entire event including all the information available.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.IdentifierDimension
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.IdentifierMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.InstanceExplorerEvent
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.InstantModeMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.dts.Member
All members must implement
members can be written to the properties files in the GUI.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.MemberDuplicate
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.MemberQName
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.MemberString
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.NullMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.OpenTableRowKeyMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PackRoleTypeAndItem
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PeriodDimensionDuration
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PeriodDimensionInstant
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PeriodMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.PMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in enum com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ScaleValue
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ValidCombinationMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ValidCombinationsFilter.DimMemberCombination
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ValidCombinationsFilter.PeriodCombination
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.XMLFragmentMember
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.formula.FlFormula
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.formula.FlVariable
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.gui.basic.DecoratedQName
To string.
- toString() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.mapper.instance.MapperPeriod
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.aspects.Aspect
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLAssertionResult
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.DTSBase
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.FastXMLFragmentContent
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.filters.XBRLFormulaFilterBase
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.custom.XBRLCustomFunctionImplementationFunction
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.custom.XBRLCustomFunctionRecursiveFunctionCall
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.TraceVariablesBind
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.TraceVariablesBind.TraceVariable
To string.
- toString(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.util.VariablesLoopController.InterfaceVariableSetIterator
For debugging purposes only.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.XBRLFilterUse
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.XBRLVariableResourceUse
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.autocalculation.CalculationPolynomial
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.autocalculation.Term
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.XBRLInstance
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.XBRLMeasure
To string.
- toString() - Method in enum com.ihr.xbrl.om.instance.XBRLNumber.ExactitudeMode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.ixbrl.elements.IXTupleContent
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver.EntryPointLangInfo
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.sax.DTSDocumentReference
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.ConceptAspectRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.DimensionExplicitRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.DimensionTypedRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.EntityIdentifierAspectRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.PeriodAspectRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition.RelationshipGraphNode.Node
To string.
- toString() - Method in enum com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.HasParentChildAttribute.ParentChildEnum
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.layout.AxisSlice
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.layout.Cell
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.layout.CellHeader
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.PackStringAndFragment
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.AspectAndDistanceToLeaf
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.DimensionDefaultRule
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.OCCAspectData
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.XBRLClosedRelationshipStructuralNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.XBRLClosedStructuralNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.XBRLOpenStructuralNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.structural.XBRLStructuralNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.XBRLDefinitionNodeUse
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XBRLArcroleType
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XBRLRoleType
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XBRLXSDTypeDefinition
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XBRLAttribute
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XBRLDocument
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XBRLValidationReport
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.DimensionAndFragmentMemberPair
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.DimensionAndMemberQNamesPair
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTCombinationItemExplicit
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTCombinationItemHeadNoDomain
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTCombinationItemImplicit
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTDimensionalPrimaryItem
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationDimension
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationDimensions
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationDimensionsMessage
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationELRorNothing
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationFactHistory
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidationHypercube
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTValidCombinationSet
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xenum.DomainNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xenum2.DomainNode
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xhtml.HTMLDocumentImpl
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XMLDocumentImpl
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.XMLFragment
Returns the XML representation of this object as an String.
- toString(Object) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.pojo.OracleStringType
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.store.StorageEvent
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.tools.excel.ExcelSheetPoint
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.VersionWithDots
To string.
- toString() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.util.workbooks.SheetPoint
To string.
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.versioning.Action
- toString() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.versioning.Assignment
- toString() - Method in interface com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.AspectOrFilter
Force implementation of toString(), this shall return the source aspect.
- toString() - Method in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.ConceptNameAspectOrFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.DimensionAndMemberAspectOrFilter
- toString() - Method in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.PeriodAspectOrFilterInDurationIsBase
- toString() - Method in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.PeriodAspectOrFilterInInstantMatchesBOP
- toString() - Method in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.hilevel.PeriodAspectOrFilterInInstantMatchesEOP
- toString2() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.mapper.instance.MapperPeriodBase
- total_label_role_URI - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.LabelLinkbase
The Constant total_label_role_URI.
- totalRoleURIS - Static variable in interface com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TotalSupport
The Constant totalRoleURIS.
- TotalSupport - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
This interface allows classes to ask how an XBRLFact is represented in the user interface in regard to the label
role and, particularly, if the label role is total.
- toTime(long) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TimeUtils
Display the amount of time indicated in milliseconds as one string
according to locale.
- toUnlocalizedString() - Method in enum com.ihr.xbrl.dts.ScaleValue
To unlocalized string.
- toURI() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.zip.ZipEntryFileProxy
- TPE_REC_2016_04_19 - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPValidationException
The Constant TPE_REC_2016_04_19.
- TPEPFX - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPValidationException
The Constant TPEPFX.
- tpNamespace_Corefiling - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_Corefiling.
- tpNamespace_PR_20151209 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_PR_20151209.
- tpNamespace_PWD_20140115 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_PWD_20140115.
- tpNamespace_PWD_20150114 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_PWD_20150114.
- tpNamespace_REC_20160419 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_REC_20160419.
- tpNamespace_WGWD_YYYYMMDD - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpNamespace_WGWD_YYYYMMDD.
- TPtpeDuplicateLanguagesForElement - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeDuplicateLanguagesForElement.
- TPtpeDuplicateLanguagesForElement(File, XdmNode) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeDuplicateLanguagesForElement
Instantiates a new t ptpe duplicate languages for element.
- TPtpeInvalidArchiveFormat - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeInvalidArchiveFormat.
- TPtpeInvalidArchiveFormat(File, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeInvalidArchiveFormat
Instantiates a new t ptpe invalid archive format.
- TPtpeInvalidDirectoryStructure - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeInvalidDirectoryStructure.
- TPtpeInvalidDirectoryStructure(File, String) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeInvalidDirectoryStructure
Instantiates a new t ptpe invalid directory structure.
- TPtpeInvalidMetaDataFile - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeInvalidMetaDataFile.
- TPtpeInvalidMetaDataFile(File, ErrorListener, SaxonApiException) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeInvalidMetaDataFile
Instantiates a new t ptpe invalid meta data file.
- TPtpeMetadataDirectoryNotFound - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeMetadataDirectoryNotFound.
- TPtpeMetadataDirectoryNotFound(File) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeMetadataDirectoryNotFound
Instantiates a new t ptpe metadata directory not found.
- TPtpeMetadataFileNotFound - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeMetadataFileNotFound.
- TPtpeMetadataFileNotFound(File) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeMetadataFileNotFound
Instantiates a new t ptpe metadata file not found.
- TPtpeMissingLanguageAttribute - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeMissingLanguageAttribute.
- TPtpeMissingLanguageAttribute(File, XdmNode) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeMissingLanguageAttribute
Instantiates a new t ptpe missing language attribute.
- TPtpeMultipleRewriteURIsForStartString - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPtpeMultipleRewriteURIsForStartString.
- TPtpeMultipleRewriteURIsForStartString(File, URI) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPtpeMultipleRewriteURIsForStartString
Instantiates a new t ptpe multiple rewrite UR is for start string.
- tpURL_PR_20151209 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpURL_PR_20151209.
- tpURL_PWD_20140115 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpURL_PWD_20140115.
- tpURL_REC_20160419 - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant tpURL_REC_20160419.
- TPValidationException - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors
The Class TPValidationException.
- TPValidationException(QName, String) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPValidationException
Instantiates a new XT validation exception.
- TPValidationException(QName, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.errors.TPValidationException
Instantiates a new XT validation exception.
- TraceVariable(QName, boolean) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.TraceVariablesBind.TraceVariable
Instantiates a new trace variable.
- TraceVariablesBind - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula
This class stores a copy of the variables and variable values used during the evaluation of an assertion.
- TraceVariablesBind(XdmValue) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.TraceVariablesBind
Instantiates a new trace variables bind.
- TraceVariablesBind(Collection<? extends TraceVariablesBind.TraceVariable>) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.TraceVariablesBind
Instantiates a new trace variables bind.
- TraceVariablesBind.TraceVariable - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula
The Class TraceVariable.
- transform(Source, Result) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.ixbrl.IXBRLTransformer
- transform(Source, Result) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformProcessor
- TransformConfigurationFileException - Exception in com.ihr.xbrl.transform
The Class TransformConfigurationFileException.
- TransformConfigurationFileException() - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformConfigurationFileException
Instantiates a new transform configuration file exception.
- TransformConfigurationFileException(String) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformConfigurationFileException
Instantiates a new transform configuration file exception.
- TransformConfigurationFileException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformConfigurationFileException
Instantiates a new transform configuration file exception.
- TransformConfigurationFileException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformConfigurationFileException
Instantiates a new transform configuration file exception.
- transformer() - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.database.pagination.EmptyPageScroll
- transformer() - Method in interface com.ihr.xbrl.database.pagination.PageScroll
- transformerNs - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformNamespaceContext
The transformer ns.
- TransformNamespaceContext - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.transform
The Class TransformNamespaceContext.
- TransformNamespaceContext() - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformNamespaceContext
- TransformProcessor - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.transform
The Class TransformProcessor.
- TransformProcessor(URI) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.transform.TransformProcessor
Creates an XBRL transformation processor using the configuration file
provided as a parameter.
- trimToLetterOrDigit(String) - Static method in class com.ihr.xbrl.util.TextTools
Remove non letter or digit to the left and right of the text received as a parameter.
- TUPLE_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- TUPLE_INVALID_CONTENT - Static variable in exception com.ihr.xbrl.om.errors.XBRLValidationException
- tupleDocNode - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.mapper.instance.MapperFact
- TwoContexts - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
This is just a pair of two contexts.
- TwoContexts(XBRLContext, XBRLContext) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TwoContexts
Instantiates a new two contexts.
- tx - Variable in class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.GenerationContext
The tx.
- type - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.exLinks.XLinkElement
The QName xlink:type.
- type - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.taxonomy.XMLElementDefinition
The [Type] property. can be null if this element is in the substitution group of another element that has a type
- typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor, ContextItemStaticInfo) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.custom.XBRLCustomFunctionImplementationFunction
Type check.
- typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor, ContextItemStaticInfo) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.custom.XBRLCustomFunctionRecursiveFunctionCall
Type check.
- typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor, ContextItemStaticInfo) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.XFF_uncovered_aspect
Type check.
- typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor, ContextItemStaticInfo) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.XFFunctionMultiArguments
Type check.
- typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor, ContextItemStaticInfo) - Method in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.formula.functions.XFI_filter_member_network_selection
Type check.
- TYPED - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTDimension
The Constant TYPED.
- TYPEDDIMENSION - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TDimension
The typeddimension.
- TypedDimensionAspect - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula
The Class TypedDimensionAspect.
- TypedDimensionAspect() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.TypedDimensionAspect
- TypedDimensionAspectInterface - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition
The Interface TypedDimensionAspectInterface.
- TypedDimensionAspectNode - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition
The Class TypedDimensionAspectNode.
- TypedDimensionFilter - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula
The Class TypedDimensionFilter.
- TypedDimensionFilter() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.formula.TypedDimensionFilter
- TypedDimensionsAspectInterface - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.om.table.definition
The Interface DimensionAspectInterface.
- TypedDimensionsDomainController - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
This class is a container for domain members of typed dimensions classified by dimension.
- TypedDimensionsDomainController(DTSContainer) - Constructor for class com.ihr.xbrl.dts.TypedDimensionsDomainController
Instantiates a new typed dimensions domain controller.
- TypedDomain - Class in com.rs.xbrl.instructions.dimensions
- TypedDomain() - Constructor for class com.rs.xbrl.instructions.dimensions.TypedDomain
- typedDomainRefQName - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTProcessor
- typedMemberContainerQName - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.xdt.XDTProcessor
- typicalDirectoryOfPackages - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.DynamicCacheCatalogResolver
The Constant typicalDirectoryOfPackages.
- typicalDirectoryOfPackages - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.TaxonomyPackageURIResolver
The Constant typicalDirectoryOfPackages.
- typicalDirectoryOfPackages - Static variable in class com.ihr.xbrl.om.resolvers.ZipCascadeURIResolver
This is the recommended directory name for packages of taxonomies.