Class | Description |
IXT1_datedoteu |
Reformats EU-style dot-separated dates into XSD format.
IXT1_datedotus |
Reformats US-style dot-separated dates into XSD format.
IXT1_datelongdaymonthuk |
Reformats recurring date in format "DD Month" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_datelongeu |
Reformats UK-style long dates into XSD format.
IXT1_datelongmonthdayus |
Reformats recurring date in format "Month DD" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_datelongmonthyear |
Reformats date in format "Month (YY)YY" into W3C/ISO date standard YYYY-MM.
IXT1_datelongus |
Reformats US-style long dates Month DD, YY(YY) into XSD format.
IXT1_datelongyearmonth |
Reformats date in format "(YY)YY Month" into W3C/ISO date standard YYYY-MM.
IXT1_dateshortdaymonthuk |
Reformats recurring date in format "DD Mon" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_dateshortmonthdayus |
Reformats recurring date in format "DD Mon" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_dateshortmonthyear |
Reformats date in format "Mon (YY)YY" into W3C/ISO date standard YYYY-MM.
IXT1_dateshortyearmonth |
Reformats date in format "(YY)YY Mon" into W3C/ISO date standard YYYY-MM.
IXT1_dateslashdaymontheu |
Reformats recurring date in format "DD/MM" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_dateslasheu |
Reformats EU-style slash-separated dates into XSD format.
IXT1_dateslashmonthdayus |
Reformats recurring date in format "MM/DD" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard --MM-DD.
IXT1_dateslashus |
Reformats US-style slash-separated dates into XSD format.
IXT1_numcomma |
Reformats "human readable" numbers using comma (,) as fraction separator into XSD format floating point value.
IXT1_numcommadot |
ixt:numcommadot Comma-separated numbers ixt:numcommadotType ixt:nonNegativeDecimalType nnn,nnn,nnn.nn nnnnnnnnn.nn
IXT1_numdash |
Reformats accountant-friendly "-" as a zero.
IXT1_numdotcomma |
Reformats "human readable" numbers using dot (.) as a thousands separator and comma (,) as fraction separator into XSD format floating point value.
IXT1_numspacecomma |
Reformats "human readable" numbers using space (" ") as a thousands separator into XSD format floating point value.
IXT1_numspacedot |
Reformats "human readable" numbers using space (" ") as a thousands separator into XSD format floating point value.
IXT1FunctionLibrary |
The Class IXT1FunctionLibrary.
IXT1StandardFuncion |
The Class IXT1StandardFuncion.
IXT2_booleanfalse |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT2_booleantrue |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT2_datedaymonth |
Transforms numeric date in the format "(D)D*(M)M", with non-numeric separator,
into W3C/ISO recurring date standard "--MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datedaymonthen |
Transforms English date in the format "(D)D*Mon(th)" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard "--MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datedaymonthyear |
Transforms numeric date in the order "day month year", with non-numeric separators,
into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datedaymonthyearen |
Transforms English date in the order "day month year" into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT2_dateerayearmonthdayjp |
(e.g. "531") into XML Schema format.
IXT2_dateerayearmonthjp |
(e.g. "531") into XML Schema format.
IXT2_datemonthday |
Transforms numeric date in the format "(M)M*(D)D", with non-numeric separator,
into W3C/ISO recurring date standard "--MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datemonthdayen |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(D)D(Ordinal)" into W3C/ISO recurring date standard
"--MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datemonthdayyear |
Transforms numeric date in the format "(M)M*(D)D*(Y)Y(YY)", with non-numeric separators,
into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datemonthdayyearen |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(D)D*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT2_datemonthyearen |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT2_dateyearmonthcjk |
Transforms Japanese, Chinese or Korean date in the format "year month" (e.g. "2010 5 ")
into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM" format.
IXT2_dateyearmonthdaycjk |
Transforms Japanese, Chinese or Korean date in the format "year month day"
(e.g. "2010 5 31") into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT2_dateyearmonthen |
Transforms English date in the format "YY(YY)*Mon(th)" into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM" format.
IXT2_nocontent |
This transformation allows a selection of free-form data to be associated with an empty XBRL concept.
IXT2_numcommadecimal |
Transforms number with comma (",") fraction separator and optional thousands
separators into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT2_numdotdecimal |
Transforms number with dot (".") fraction separator and optional thousands separators
into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT2_numunitdecimal |
Transforms mixed string monetary value with string unit indicators and optional thousands
separators into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT2_zerodash |
Reformats various unicode dashes as a zero.
IXT2FunctionLibrary |
The Class IXT2FunctionLibrary.
IXT2StandardFuncion |
The Class IXT2StandardFuncion.
IXT3_calindaymonthyear |
Transforms an Indian date based on the Indian National Calendar in the order "day month year"
(using Hindi names for Saka months, or the equivalent Latin transliteration; e.g. "11 1921" or
"11 Pausha 1921"; and either Arabic or Devanagari numerals;) into the Gregorian Calendar using
W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT3_datedaymonthdk |
Transforms Danish date in the format "(D)D(.) mon(th)" into W3C/ISO recurring
date standard "--MM-DD" format.
IXT3_datedaymonthyeardk |
Transforms Danish date in the order "day month year" into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT3_datedaymonthyearin |
Transforms English date in the order "day month year" into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT3_datemonthyear |
Transforms English date in the format "MM*(YY)YY" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT3_datemonthyeardk |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT3_datemonthyearin |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT3_dateyearmonthday |
Transforms Japanese, Chinese or Korean date in the format "year month day"
(e.g. "2010 5 31") into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT3_numdotdecimalin |
Transforms number with dot (".") fraction separator and optional thousands separators
into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT3_numunitdecimalin |
Transforms mixed string monetary value with string unit indicators and optional thousands
separators into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT3FunctionLibrary |
The Class IXT3FunctionLibrary.
IXT3StandardFuncion |
The Class IXT3StandardFuncion.
IXT4_datedaymonth |
Transforms numeric date in the format "(D)D*(M)M", with non-numeric separator,
into W3C/ISO recurring date standard "--MM-DD" format.
IXT4_datedaymonthyear |
Transforms numeric date in the order "day month year", with non-numeric separators,
into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT4_dateyeardaymonthnamelv |
Transforms Danish date in the order "day month year" into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT4_dateyearmonth |
Transforms date in the format "(YY)YY MM*" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT4_dateyearmonthday |
Transforms Western, Japanese, Chinese or Korean date in the format "year month day"
(e.g. "2010 5 31") into W3C/ISO date standard "YYYY-MM-DD" format.
IXT4_fixedEmptyType |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT4_fixedFalseType |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT4_fixedTrueType |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT4_fixedzero |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT4_fixedZeroType |
This transformation allows the association of a text statement or legal boilerplate
in a written document with a boolean concept in an XBRL instance document.
IXT4_numcommadecimal |
Transforms number with comma (",") fraction separator and optional thousands
separators into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT4_numdotdecimal |
Transforms number with dot (".") fraction separator and optional thousands separators
into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT4_numunitdecimal |
Transforms mixed string monetary value with string unit indicators and optional thousands
separators into non-negative number based on schema-defined decimal format.
IXT4FunctionDayMonthDateLangImpl |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT4FunctionFullDateLangImpl |
Transforms UE dates (but latvian) in the format "DD*Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" or YYYY Month DD into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT4FunctionLibrary |
The Class IXT4FunctionLibrary.
IXT4FunctionMonthYearDateLangImpl |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXT4StandardFuncion |
The Class IXT3StandardFuncion.
IXTForward<T extends> |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type).
IXTForwardBackwardBoolean |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from boolean item to text.
IXTForwardBackwardDate |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from item to text representing a date.
IXTForwardBackwardNumeric |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from numeric item to text.
IXTForwardBackwardString |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type) and from item to text.
IXTForwardBoolean |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type).
IXTForwardDate |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type).
IXTForwardNumeric |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type).
IXTForwardString |
This interface declares that the class implementing it is able to transform from text
to item (any simple XML simple type).
IXTFunctionDayMonthDateLang |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXTFunctionFullDateLang |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXTFunctionMonthYearDateLang |
Transforms English date in the format "Mon(th)*(Y)Y(YY)" into W3C/ISO date standard
"YYYY-MM" format.
IXTUtils |
This class contains helper static functions for IX functions transformations.
Copyright 2006-2015 Reporting Standard S.L., C/ Torrecilla del Puerto 1, 28043, Madrid, Espaņa