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Provides the classes necessary to process, read and write XBRL Linkbases and XBRL Extended links.

See: Description

Package Description

Provides the classes necessary to process, read and write XBRL Linkbases and XBRL Extended links.

Extended Links are containers of meta data to the concept definitions in a taxonomy schema. Objects in this package allows applications to explore, write and read the content of XBRL Linkbases including generic linkbases.

Specific classes are created to deal with the specific rules of the container defined in the XBRL 2.1 specification. This is the reason there is a class for PresentationLinkbase content. That class (and any other that is a exteded link content) extends the generic XBRLExtendedLink object adding specific methods required for that kind of object.

This package also includes objects for the surrounding elements as XBRL Arcs, XBRL Relationships, XBRL Locators XBRL Resources, etc...

1.0 Created: 31/08/2008
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