Custom Taxonomy Catalogs such as Reporting Standard XBRL Database
Custom Taxonomy Catalogs such as Reporting Standard XBRL Database
On top of all taxonomy Catalogs and catalog formats, Reporting Standard maintains a global database with copies to commonly used taxonomy packages. The database is available over the Internet and Reporting Standard XBRL Tools connects regularly to update the list of taxonomies.
You can access the list of taxonomies available from the GUI and you can install and uninstall taxonomies from the global database. If you have subscribed to a taxonomy packages and we update the taxonomy in the global repository, your copy will be updated automatically next time the tools are started with Internet connection available.
Note: the update is only available if your license is covered by the maintenance period, you can extend the maintenance period updating your license file and purchasing a maintenance period extension.
XBRL Catalog
Adding taxonomies to the ZIP Catlog
Select Taxonomy From Catalog
Send us feedback about this information to: Support at ReportingStandard dot com