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key - Static variable in class
The Constant key.
KeyElementsInterceptorHelper - Class in
The Class KeyElementsInterceptorHelper.
KeyElementsInterceptorHelper(DTSContainer) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new key elements interceptor helper.
KeyNodesCollected - Class in
During a document build (SAX parsing) when the document is attached to a schema aware tree, some nodes are collected to be processed later this speedups reading the infoset.
KeyNodesCollected() - Constructor for class
KeysForFactsProvider - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Interface KeysForFactsProvider.
KeysForFactsProvider.Referenciable - Interface in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
Mark interface .
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableContext - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Class ReferenciableContext.
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableElement - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Class ReferenciableElement.
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableFact - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
This class provides information to allow the GUI to find a fact if the user clicks on it.
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableFixReplaceValue - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
Helper class to store information to fix a calculation inconsistency by replacing the total with the proposed value.
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableResource - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Class ReferenciableResource.
KeysForFactsProvider.ReferenciableUnit - Class in com.ihr.xbrl.dts
The Class ReferenciableUnit.
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