The XBRL Taxonomy Catalog
The XBRL Taxonomy Catalog
The XBRL Taxonomy Catalog is a mechanism to map XBRL files (taxonomies and linkbases) on the Internet to local files on the hard drive. This mechanism accelerates taxonomy loading by the processor as no connections to the Interent are needed for all mapped files.
In other words, the Taxonomy Catalog acts as a Proxy for files published on the Internet.
Taxonomy catalogs are pluggable modules to the XBRL API. During the initialization of the XBRL Processor several taxonomy catalogs can be cascaded so the first one in the list resolving an URI will stop the resolution process.
Taxonomy Catalog Versions
Reporting Standard S.L. XBRL processor incorporates several implementations of taxonomy catalogs. Here is a description of some of them.
Mapping to local files
This implementation of the Taxonomy Catalog is based on OASIS Catalog Standards.
The configuration file name for this catalog is always XBRLCatalog.xml. The content of this file must agree witht he definition of the Catalog.xsd schema definition provided by the OASIS organization.
More information can be found here: XML Catalogs from OASIS
Mapping to a package in ZIP format
This implementation of the Taxonomy Catalog explores the content of a ZIP file for the official file. The advantage of this method over mapping to local files is that this method requires less files during deployment of the solution and distribution.
The configuration file name for this catalog is always RSZIPCatalog.xml. The content of that file must be according with the schema provided in the same directory and is self explanatory.
Mapping to the XBRL Database
All files stored into the XBRL Database can be used during the DTS Discovery process.
XBRL Catalog
Adding taxonomies to the ZIP Catlog
Select Taxonomy From Catalog