Compliance report with the XBRL Conformance suite

Date executed: 2011-05-21T02:46:07.393+0200

Section 4.3 The Item Element
Id: V-1 nš:1 Description: 301.01 Valid example of id attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:2 Description: 301.03 Mismatch of periodType attribute and referenced context's period type.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Period type on context of fact Numeric fact example:changeInRetainedEarnings is instant does not match period type on item declaration which is duration
Id: V-4 nš:3 Description: 301.04 contextRef has IDREF to unit element.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The element in the XBRL report with an identifier of XML Fragment: xbrl is a u1 but is not a context
Id: V-5 nš:4 Description: 301.05 unitRef has IDREF to context element.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The element in the XBRL report with an identifier of XML Fragment: xbrl is a cd1 but is not a unit
Id: V-6 nš:5 Description: 301.06 Valid example of footnote link href attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:6 Description: 301.08 href attribute is referencing to context element.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-08-FootnoteToContext.xml#element(/1/4/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-08-FootnoteToContext.xml#element(/1/4), extended link type is link:footnoteLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException The source of the footnoteArc file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-08-FootnoteToContext.xml#element(/1/4/3) is not a fact element
Id: V-9 nš:7 Description: 301.09 href attribute is referencing to unit element.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-09-FootnoteToUnit.xml#element(/1/4/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-09-FootnoteToUnit.xml#element(/1/4), extended link type is link:footnoteLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException The source of the footnoteArc file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-09-FootnoteToUnit.xml#element(/1/4/3) is not a fact element
Id: V-10 nš:8 Description: 301.10 The instance contains two footnote links. The second one contains an arc with a from value that does not have a corresponding loc in the same extended link.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the arc Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-10-FootnoteFromOutOfScope.xml#element(/1/5/3), the locator or resource at the source of the arc cannot be found
Id: V-11 nš:9 Description: 301.11 The instance contains two footnote links. The second one contains an arc with a to value that does not have a corresponding footnote resource in the same extended link.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the arc Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-11-FootnoteToOutOfScope.xml#element(/1/5/3), the locator or resource at the target of the arc cannot be found
Id: V-12 nš:10 Description: 301.12 The instance contains a footnote link. In the footnote link there is a loc element that has an href that points to a fact in another instance document.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Illegal DTS. The element at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-12-FootnoteLocOutOfScope.xml#element(/1/4) has a reference to an instance document at 301-12-FootnoteLocOutOfScope2.xml#f1. An XBRL Document in a DTS cannot include other XBRL Reports in the DTS.
Id: V-13 nš:11 Description: 301.13 The instance contains a footnote link. In the footnote link there is a loc element that has an href that points to a fact in the instance document using the instance document file name with a fragment identifier.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:12 Description: 301.14 The instance contains a footnote link. The arc in the footnote link has a from value that matches a footnote resource. This is not valid for the fact-footnote arc role on the arc. The from must point to a loc which in turns points to a fact in the same instance document.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-14-FootnoteFromResource.xml#element(/1/4/4) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-14-FootnoteFromResource.xml#element(/1/4), extended link type is link:footnoteLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException The source of the footnoteArc file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-14-FootnoteFromResource.xml#element(/1/4/4) is not a fact element
Id: V-15 nš:13 Description: 301.15 The instance contains a footnote link. The arc in the footnote link has a from value that matches a footnote resource. This is not valid for the fact-footnote arc role on the arc. The from must point to a loc which in turns points to a fact in the same instance document.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-15-FootnoteToLoc.xml#element(/1/4/4) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-15-FootnoteToLoc.xml#element(/1/4), extended link type is link:footnoteLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException The target of the footnoteArc file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-15-FootnoteToLoc.xml#element(/1/4/4) is not a resource element
Id: V-16 nš:14 Description: 301.16 The xml:lang attribute is missing on the footnote resource.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-16-FootnoteWithoutLang.xml#element(/1/4/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-16-FootnoteWithoutLang.xml#element(/1/4), extended link type is link:footnoteLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException The resource footnote file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/301-16-FootnoteWithoutLang.xml#element(/1/4/1) does not have an xml:lang attribute
Id: V-17 nš:15 Description: 301.17 The footnote custom arc role can relate two footnotes to each other instead of just fact to footnote. (Only the standard footnote arc role is restricted to being from item or tuple locators.) Maybe this might be used to indicate how some footnote is "footnoting" another footnote.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 4.4 The Context Element
Id: V-01 nš:16 Description: 302.01 Valid segment in a context
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:17 Description: 302.02 Invalid segment in a context; contains an element defined in xbrli namespace
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In context Context identified by XML Fragment: xbrl and with id="c1" , the segment contains elements in the namespace
Id: V-03 nš:18 Description: 302.03 Valid scenario in a context
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:19 Description: 302.04 Invalid scenario in a context; contains an element defined in xbrli namespace
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In context Context identified by XML Fragment: xbrl and with id="c1" , the scenario contains elements in the namespace
Id: V-05 nš:20 Description: 302.05 Invalid segment in a context; contains an element in substitution group of xbrli:item
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In context Context identified by XML Fragment: xbrl and with id="c1" , the segment contains fact elements which is not valid in XBRL
Id: V-06 nš:21 Description: 302.06 Invalid scenario in a context; contains an element in substitution group of xbrli:item
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In context Context identified by XML Fragment: xbrl and with id="c1" , the scenario contains fact elements which is not valid in XBRL
Id: V-07 nš:22 Description: 302.07 Segment in a context contains an element with empty content
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:23 Description: 302.08 Scenario in a context contains an element with empty content
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-09 nš:24 Description: 302.09 Valid duration context with start date earlier than end date
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:25 Description: 302.10 Invalid duration context with start date later than end date
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Invalid dates for a duration period. End date is earlier than start date. Start date is xs:date ("2002-12-01+01:00"), End date is xs:date ("2002-11-01+01:00")
Id: V-11 nš:26 Description: 302.11 Two contexts are S-Equal even though a decimal-valued attribute in their segment elements have different lexical representations. The contexts are S-equal, so a calculation inconsistency MUST be signaled.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="cPlus1.0" Value of Fact eg:a is 1,000 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 2,000 p(4). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(eg:b=2,000 p(4))
Id: V-12 nš:27 Description: 302.12 Two contexts are S-Equal even though a decimal-valued attribute in their scenario elements have different lexical representations. The contexts are S-equal, so a calculation inconsistency MUST be signaled.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="cPlus1.0" Value of Fact eg:a is 1,000 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 2,000 p(4). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(eg:b=2,000 p(4))
Section 4.3 The Item Element
Id: V-01 nš:28 Description: 303.01 instant context and item defined with PeriodType="instant"
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:29 Description: 303.02 duration context and item defined with PeriodType="duration"
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:30 Description: 303.03 duration context and item defined with PeriodType="instant"
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Period type on context of fact Numeric fact s:changeInRetainedEarnings is instant does not match period type on item declaration which is duration
Id: V-04 nš:31 Description: 303.04 instant context and item defined with PeriodType="duration"
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Period type on context of fact Numeric fact s:fixedAssets is duration does not match period type on item declaration which is instant
Id: V-05 nš:32 Description: ForeverConcept with Instant Period Type is not allowed
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Period type on context of fact Non numeric fact new:Forever is duration does not match period type on item declaration which is instant
Section 4.4 The Context Element
Id: V-01 nš:33 Description: 304.01 An element with a monetary item type has an ISO currency code for its units (using the standard ISO namespace prefix).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:34 Description: 304.02 An element with a monetary item type has an ISO currency code for its units (using a non-standard ISO namespace prefix).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:35 Description: 304.03 An element with a type derived by restriction from the monetary item type has an ISO currency code for its units.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:36 Description: 304.04 An element with a type derived by restriction from monetary item type has an ISO currency code for its units (using a non-standard ISO namespace prefix).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:37 Description: 304.05 An element with a non-monetary item type has an ISO currency code for its units (using the standard ISO namespace prefix).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:38 Description: 304.06 An element with a monetary item type does not have an ISO currency code for its units - the namespace is wrong.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:assets A monetary unit MUST by identified by the namespace. The unit unit identified by file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-06-monetaryItemTypeUnitsRestrictions.xml#element(/1/4) and with id="u1" is defined in the http://notTheISO4217Namespace namespace
Id: V-07 nš:39 Description: 304.07 An element with a monetaryItemType does not have an ISO currency code for its units - the local name is wrong.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:assets The code us_dollars is not valid according to the set of valid codes in the ISO4217 list
Id: V-08 nš:40 Description: 304.08 An element with a type derived by restriction from monetaryItemType does not have an ISO currency code for its units - the namespace is wrong.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:assets A monetary unit MUST by identified by the namespace. The unit unit identified by file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-08-monetaryItemTypeUnitsRestrictions.xml#element(/1/4) and with id="u1" is defined in the http://notTheISO4217Namespace namespace
Id: V-09 nš:41 Description: 304.09 An element with a type derived by restriction from monetaryItemType does not have an ISO currency code for its units - the local name is wrong.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:assets The code us_dollars is not valid according to the set of valid codes in the ISO4217 list
Id: V-10 nš:42 Description: 304.10 An item with a pureItemType data type MUST have a unit element and the local part of the measure MUST be "pure" with a namespace prefix that resolves to a namespace of "".
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:43 Description: A measure element with a namespace prefix that resolves to the "" namespace MUST have a local part of either "pure" or "shares". The value 'impure' is not a valid measure in the XBRL instance namespace.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The measure declaration xbrli:impure in not valid, a measure in the namespace MUST be either "pure" or "shares"
Id: V-12 nš:44 Description: Unlike for monetaryItemType and sharesItemType, there is no constraint (in 4.8.2 or elsewhere) requiring an item with a pureItemType data type to have a particular kind of unit.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12a nš:45 Description: Same as V-12, but the pure measure has no prefix and the default namespace is undefined.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:46 Description: 304.13 For facts that are of the sharesItemType, units MUST have A single measure element. The local part of the measure MUST be "shares" and the namespace prefix that MUST resolve to
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:47 Description: 304.14 For facts that are DERIVED BY RESTRICTION from the sharesItemType, units MUST have A single measure element. The local part of the measure MUST be "shares" and the namespace prefix that MUST resolve to
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:48 Description: 304.15 For facts that are of shares item type, units MUST have A single measure element. The local part of the measure MUST be "shares" and the namespace prefix that MUST resolve to In this case the unit has two measure elements, both of which are pure.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:sharesOnIssue The unit pure is not valid for a shares concept. It MUST be xbrli:shares
Id: V-15a nš:49 Description: Same as V-15 but in this case the unit has has shares but no prefix and the default namespace is undefined.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:sharesOnIssue A shares unit MUST by identified by the namespace. The unit unit identified by file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-15a-sharesItemTypeUnitsRestrictions.xml#element(/1/4) and with id="u1" is defined in the namespace
Id: V-16 nš:50 Description: 304.16 The units must not have numerator and denominator measures that cancel.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Unit is not in the most simplified form, the measure my:feet appears in both, numerator and denominator
Id: V-17 nš:51 Description: 304.17 The units equality test which two units have same order measures.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-18 nš:52 Description: 304.18 The units equality test which two units have same order divisions.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-19 nš:53 Description: 304.19 The units equality test which two units have different order measures.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-20 nš:54 Description: 304.20 The units equality test which two units have division elements which their order of child measures are different.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-21 nš:55 Description: 304.21 it tries to essence-alias equality of two elements with different units : where one is pure-feet and the second is pure-pounds. so the alias essence check is invalid and it should throw an error in xbrl validation
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Numeric fact my:conceptA and Numeric fact my:conceptB participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) but they are not u-equal (Unit Equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-22 nš:56 Description: 304.22 The test tried to essense-alias equality check of two elements with different units : where one is unit between "pure-inch / pound-feet" and other "pure-feet / pound-inch". The tests is invalid as it should throw an error during xbrl validation.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Numeric fact my:conceptA and Numeric fact my:conceptB participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) but they are not u-equal (Unit Equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-23 nš:57 Description: Variation of 304-15 where the type of the fact value does not match that of the type of the reported element. Shares type versus Monetary unit
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact new:Child A shares unit MUST by identified by the namespace. The unit unit identified by file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-23-Calculation-item-does-not-match-unit.xml#element(/1/3) and with id="unit-monetary-AUD" is defined in the namespace
Id: V-24 nš:58 Description: Valid ISO unit of measurement example
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-25 nš:59 Description: Measure reported with prefix undefined is considered XBRL invalid
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd included from file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-25-measure-reported-with-prefix-undefined.xsd, an exception of type net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException occurs. Exception message is I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd: C:\Users\Ignacio\workspace\conformance\Common\300-instance\xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado)
Id: V-26 nš:60 Description: Monetary item reported with unit having a denominator.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Validating fact numeric fact my:assets A fact with a monetary type MUST have a monetary unit. The unit unit identified by file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/304-26-monetaryItemTypeUnitsRestrictions.xml#element(/1/4) and with id="u1" has more than one measure
Section 4.4 Items
Id: V-01 nš:61 Description: 305.01 item has only Decimals specified
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:62 Description: 305.02 item has only Precision specified
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:63 Description: 305.03 item has neither Decimals nor Precision specified
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact Numeric fact my:someConcept does not have either decimals or precision attribute
Id: V-04 nš:64 Description: 305.04 item has both Decimals and Precision specified
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact Numeric fact my:someConcept has decimals and precision attributes. Only one is allowed in XBRL
Id: V-05 nš:65 Description: 305.05 nil item has Decimals specified
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact Numeric fact my:someConcept is nil and nil facts MUST not have decimals or precision attributes
Id: V-06 nš:66 Description: 305.06 nil item has Precision specified
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact Numeric fact my:someConcept is nil and nil facts MUST not have decimals or precision attributes
Id: V-07 nš:67 Description: 305.07 a genuine inconsistency due to roll up of child values
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="Context-2003" Value of Fact decimals:TotalPropertyPlantEquipment is 4,001 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 4,000 p(2). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(decimals:Other=25 p(2)) + (1.0)x(decimals:Buildings=3,900 p(4)) + (1.0)x(decimals:ComputerEquipment=25 p(2)) + (1.0)x(decimals:FurnitureFixtures=25 p(2)) + (1.0)x(decimals:Land=25 p(2))
Id: V-08 nš:68 Description: 305.08 nil items have no decimals or precision, with unitref, but the type specifies fixed values for decimals and precision.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact Numeric fact my:someConcept is nil and nil facts MUST not have decimals or precision attributes
Id: V-1 nš:69 Description: 306.01 The instance contains two elements in the same context. The presence of one element forces the presence of the other.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:70 Description: 306.02 The instance contains an item and a tuple. The presence of the tuple forces the presence of the item.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:71 Description: 306.03 The instance contains an item and a tuple. The presence of the tuple forces the presence of the item.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the requires-element relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/306-Required-definition.xml#element(/1/2/3), A source fact of the type Tuple s:tFlag was found in the XBRL report, but no fact of the type Item s:monetaryItem has been found in the same report.
Section 5 Taxonomies
Id: V-1 nš:72 Description: 307.01 A schemaRef element MUST hold the URI of a schema. In this case it does.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:73 Description: 307.01 A schemaRef element MUST hold the URI of a schema. In this case it does not because the second reference to a schema actually points to an XML document that is a label linkbase.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/307-02-SchemaRefCounterExample.xml an schemaRef points to file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/SchemaRefCounterExample.xsd which is not an XBRL Taxonomy schema.
Id: V-3 nš:74 Description: 307.03 schemaRef elements MUST hold the URI of Schemas. In this case the requirement is not satisfied because the schema reference has to be resolved using the XML base attribute that ensures the schemaRef URI resolves to the XML document in the base directory. This document, however, is a label linkbase, not a schema. If the XML base attribute value is not used then the schema in the same directory as the instance is discovered and no issues are noticed.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/307-03-SchemaRefXMLBase.xml an schemaRef points to file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/base/SchemaRefTrickyExample.xsd which is not an XBRL Taxonomy schema.
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/307-03-SchemaRefXMLBase.xml and duplicate instance roleRef and arcroleRef elements.
Id: V-01 nš:75 Description: Instance contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/308-01-instance.xml. The exception message is In document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/308-01-instance.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-02 nš:76 Description: Instance contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/308-02-instance.xml. The exception message is In document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/308-02-instance.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Test that LAX validation is performed
Id: V-01 nš:77 Description: Segment has an element for which there is no definition, so it is allowed; item has an attribute with no definition, so it is allowed. The definitions are imported to the discovered taxonomy.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:78 Description: Segment has an element for which there is no definition, so it is allowed; item has an attribute with no definition, so it is allowed. The definitions are found by schemaLocation from the instance document.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:79 Description: Same as v-01 but segment has an element defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 20 column 82 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/314-lax-validation-03.xml#element(/1). The error message is The content "This is not an integer" of element <integerElement> does not match the required simple type. Cannot convert string "This is not an integer" to an integer
Id: V-04 nš:80 Description: Same as v-01 but item has an attribute defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 28 column 76 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/314-lax-validation-04.xml#element(/1). The error message is Validating a/@lax-test:integerAttribute: Cannot convert string "This is not an integer" to an integer
Id: V-05 nš:81 Description: Same as v-02 but segment has an element defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 23 column 82 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/314-lax-validation-05.xml#element(/1). The error message is The content "This is not an integer" of element <integerElement> does not match the required simple type. Cannot convert string "This is not an integer" to an integer
Id: V-06 nš:82 Description: Same as v-02 but item has an attribute defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 31 column 76 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/314-lax-validation-06.xml#element(/1). The error message is Validating a/@lax-test:integerAttribute: Cannot convert string "This is not an integer" to an integer
Relevant sections for calculation binding rules 5_2_5_2 and 4_6_6
Id: V-00 nš:83 Description: 320.00 - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-01 nš:84 Description: 320.01 - Valid
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1,500 p(2), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,567.3 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=582.3 p(4)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=985 p(3))
Id: V-02 nš:85 Description: 320.02 - InValid
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1,530 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,567.3 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=582.3 p(4)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=985 p(3))
Id: V-03 nš:86 Description: 320.03 - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:87 Description: 320.04 - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:88 Description: 320.05 - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:89 Description: 320.06 - inValid - inconsistent due to precision 0
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1.6 p(2), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(1). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=1 p(0)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1 p(1))
Id: V-07 nš:90 Description: 320.07 - inValid - inconsistent due to precision 0
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A was rounded to precision 0. The result value is not zero and not any number.
Id: V-08 nš:91 Description: 320.08 - inValid - inconsistent due to precision 0
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1.25 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 0 p(0). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=0 p(0)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=0 p(0))
Id: V-09 nš:92 Description: 320.09 - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:93 Description: 320.10 - Valid - precision stated as 15
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:94 Description: 320.11 - inValid - inconsistent
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1.001 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2.001 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=1.001 p(INF))
Id: V-12 nš:95 Description: 320.12 - Valid - Consistent - precision attribute stated as 15
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:96 Description: 320.13 - Valid - Consistent
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:97 Description: 320.14 - Valid - Consistent
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:98 Description: 320.15 - Valid - COnsistent - Decimal attribute zero
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-16 nš:99 Description: 320.16 - InValid - Inconsistency contributing items 3200, summation value is 3201
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 4,001 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 4,000 p(0). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=4,000 p(4)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=0 p(0))
Id: V-17 nš:100 Description: 320.17 - InValid - Inconsistent roll up - weights stated as 1.0
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1 p(1), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(1). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1 p(1)) + (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=1 p(1))
Id: V-18 nš:101 Description: 320.18 - InValid - 2.04 effective value generates inconsistent roll up - weight is defined as 1.01
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 2.02 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 2.0402 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.01)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1.01 p(3)) + (1.01)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:C=1.01 p(3))
Id: V-19 nš:102 Description: 320.19 - InValid - effective value 1.02 generates inconsistent roll up - weight is defined as 1.01
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 1.02 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1.01 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.01)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1 p(3))
Id: V-20 nš:103 Description: 320.20 - Valid - Consistent Weight is applied to the value after the decimal or precision is applied to the lexical value reported in the instance Arc weights are defined with the value 1.01 Test ensures the sequence that we apply these rules of inferred precision and weight attribute Summation ns:A weight: 1.01 ns:A lexical value: 1.01 ns:A decimal: 2 Contributing items ns:B weight: 1.01 ns:B lexical value: 1 ns:B decimal: 0 Valid Summation: 1.01 = 1.01
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-21 nš:104 Description: 320.21 - Duplicate Facts reported and thus calculation will not bind per A calculation represented by a “summation-item” relationship binds for a summation item S if and only if: 1. S has at least one contributing item. 2. S is not a duplicate item (as defined in section 4.10), and 3. None of the contributing items are duplicates. 4. S is not nil-valued (i.e. it does not have an xsi:nil attribute with value true). Test ensures that we do not bind the calculation due to a duplicated fact and do not infer precision.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-22 nš:105 Description: 320.22 - Duplicate Facts reported and thus calculation will not bind per A calculation represented by a “summation-item” relationship binds for a summation item S if and only if: 1. S has at least one contributing item. 2. S is not a duplicate item (as defined in section 4.10), and 3. None of the contributing items are duplicates. 4. S is not nil-valued (i.e. it does not have an xsi:nil attribute with value true). Test ensures that we Do NOT bind the calculation and do not infer precision. If it did bind then there would be an inconsistency.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-23 nš:106 Description: 320-24 - Valid - Consistent Inferred precision and Weight Attribute test Summation ns:A weight: 1.01 ns:A lexical value: -3.03 ns:A decimal: 4 Contributing items ns:B weight: 1.01 ns:B lexical value: -1.01 ns:B decimal: 4 ns:C weight: 1.01 ns:C lexical value: 1.99 ns:C decimal: 4 Effective summation of contributing items: -3.0300 + -1.0100 + -1.9900 =-3.0300 Valid Summation: -3.0300 = -3.03
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-24 nš:107 Description: 320-24 - Valid - Consistent Inferred precision and Weight Attribute test in correct sequence ns:A weight: 1.99 ns:A lexical value: 14.99 ns:A decimal: 4 Computed value: 14.9900 ns:B weight: 1 ns:B lexical value: 10 ns:B decimal: 4 Computed value: 10.0000 ns:Parent lexical value: 39.8301 ns:Parent decimal: 4 Computed value: 39.8301 Effective summation of contributing items: 29.8301 + 10.0000 = 39.8301 Valid Summation: 39.8301
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-25 nš:108 Description: 320-25 - Invalid Test: Verifies that IsNill facts do not bind to calculations per A calculation represented by a “summation-item” relationship binds for a summation item S if and only if: 1. S has at least one contributing item. 2. S is not a duplicate item (as defined in section 4.10), and 3. None of the contributing items are duplicates. 4. S is not nil-valued (i.e. it does not have an xsi:nil attribute with value true).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="context" Value of Fact calcinferprecisiontestcase:A is 2 p(1), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(1). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(calcinferprecisiontestcase:B=1 p(1))
Id: V-26 nš:109 Description: 320-26 - Valid, but contains number likely to sneak in errors in floating point multiplication of the weight 0.45 x A113 (=1010103). For non-decimal CPU arithmetic rounding may be required on each weight multiplication to avoid floating point weirdnesses. (this irritation contributed by Herm Fischer)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-30 nš:110 Description: Tests that a decimals 0 value 0 is not treated as precision 0 (invalid) but as numeric zero. In the prior approach where decimals 0 value 0 converted to precision 0 value 0, this would have been invalid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-31 nš:111 Description: Edge case tests that decimal rounding with is performed. In decimals representations, summation 0d1 is compared to contributing items 1.234d2 and -1.223d2. Contributing items round to 1.23 and -1.22, the contributing items rounded sum is .01. Summation has decimals 1 which is applied to comparing 0 decimals 1 to contributing items rounded sum .01, but in decimals 1, which makes the contributing rounded sum .01 be rounded as .0, which is equal to summation zero decimals 1, in decimals. If the calculation were performed the old way, treating summation 0d1 as 0p0 this alone would make the calculation roll up be invalid. But many processors have anyway treated 0d1 as 0p1, in which case such a processor still would be comparing numeric 0 for the summation, to the rounded contributing items sum .01 in some non-zero precision, which would still be invalid. So the point of this test is to be sure the processor is using the all-decimals calculation roll up.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Test the implementation of converting the xlink:href from the represented character string into the right URL for file names and the content of ID attributes
Id: V-00 nš:112 Description: 321-01 the instance document refers to a taxonomy that contains item definitions using Spanish characters. The item definitions are references from the linkbases. The instance should be considered valid but inconsistent according to the relationships in the calculation linkbase
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="Espaņa" Value of Fact tx:Espaņa1 is 100 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 101 p(2). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(tx:la_é=20 p(2)) + (1.0)x(tx:la_á=10 p(2)) + (1.0)x(tx:la_ú=1 p(1)) + (1.0)x(tx:la_í=30 p(2)) + (1.0)x(tx:ó=40 p(2))
Id: V-01 nš:113 Description: 321-01 the instance document refers to a taxonomy that contains item definitions using Spanish characters. The item definitions are references from the linkbases. The instance should be considered valid and consistent according to the relationships in the calculation linkbase
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Test equvalent relationships processing
Id: V-01 nš:114 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. The contributing items have a calculation inconsistency. Following tests will use relationship equivalence to prohibit (or not be successful at prohibiting) P3 so the sum is clean (or inconsistent if unsuccessful at prohibiting), and thus the test case determines if equivalency matches the spec (by prohibition successfulness in subsequent tests).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3))
Id: V-02 nš:115 Description: Same as V-01 but t:P3 calculation arc is with an arc prohibited with nothing tricky, thus avoiding the calculation inconsistency. The prohibiting arc has the same arcrole, from, to, order, weight, t: attributes and use=prohibited.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:116 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has different weight causing nonequivalency and thus the prohibit is ineffective and calculation is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3))
Id: V-04 nš:117 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has has an xmlns not on the original arc, which is exempt. Also the xmlns provides different lexical prefixes for the home-made attributes on the arc.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:118 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has has an xlink:title not on the original arc, which is exempt.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:119 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has has an default attribute matching the default value (the original arc has the default valued attribute missing). Because the arc allows this attribute with an any wildcard attribute definition, it is not considered an explicit attribute use in the schema declared attributes, and thus it the validator has no way of knowing this default attribute might be put into the PSVI by the validator, and is simply absent on the original arc in the PSVI. Thus the equivalency test fails here.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3))
Id: V-07 nš:120 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has has an defaulted attribute whose value does not match the default value (of the original arc, where the default valued attribute was missing, and per V-06 didn't enter the post-schema-validation infoset of attributes of the original arc).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3))
Id: V-08 nš:121 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has an fixed attribute of the correct fixed value (the original arc has the fixed valued attribute missing). Per testing by several vendors, the fixed is determined to behave like default, and thus this attribute is not present on the original arc and causes nonequivalence.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3))
Id: V-09 nš:122 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has the stringAttr differently valued.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3))
Id: V-10 nš:123 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has the decimalAttr lexically different but same value.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:124 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has the doubleAttr lexically different and scaled differently but same value.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:125 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has the doubleAttr lexically different and scaled differently to produce a different value.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 111 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,110 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P2=111 p(3)) + (1.0)x(t:P3=999 p(3))
Id: V-13 nš:126 Description: Same as V-02 but prohibiting arc has the boolAttr lexically different but same value (e.g., 1 == true, 0 == false).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Test s-equal processing
Id: V-01 nš:127 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. The contributing items have identical contextRef and thus there is no calculation inconsistency. The context has a scenario contrived to show nesting, attributes, and elements for s-equality testing purposes in subsequent variations.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:128 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context is missing the scenario of the summation item and other contributing item, thus causing calculation inconsistency.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-03 nš:129 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has a different t:strVal within its context scenario, thus causing calculation inconsistency. (Prior versions of V-03 and following had different nested context element ID attributes and expected them to be ignored, per bug 378, but now deemed significant, so nested IDs have been removed to effectuate the desired testing of this and following variations.)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-04 nš:130 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has a ordering of t:strVal and t:decVal within its context scenario, thus causing calculation inconsistency.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-05 nš:131 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has a different parenting of t:strVal within its context scenario, thus causing calculation inconsistency.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-06 nš:132 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has a different attribute a1 on nested element t:scenarioVal within its context scenario, thus causing calculation inconsistency.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-07 nš:133 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. According to the 2006-12-18 spec, t:P2's context would be s-equal to that of t:P1 and t:P3 were it not for the id attributes in the scenario. Current 2.1 spec treats these IDs as significant, see bug 378. Thus this test is invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-08 nš:134 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but attributes on element dv2-v02 have been re-ordered, but it is still s-equal to the context of t:P1 and t:P3, so the calculation is valid. (Only the id attribute on the context differs, for the moment, id attributes have been removed from subelements.)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:135 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but doubles and booleans test lexical representations by scaling, though values are the same.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:136 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but numbers test lexical signing representations, + optional on positive, and +0 equal to -0.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:137 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but doubles and test lexical non-number representations, INF.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:138 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but doubles and test lexical non-number representations, INF. Attribute a3 differs, to check that + infinity and - infinity are detected as unequal.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-16 nš:139 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but attributes a3 in both contexts are NaN which is always unequal to all values including itself.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c-V01" Value of Fact t:P1 is 300,003 p(6), and is not equal to the calculated value 200,002 p(6). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(t:P3=200,002 p(6))
Id: V-17 nš:140 Description: t:P1 is a summation of t:P2 and t:P3. t:P2's context has the same scenario, but booleans test lexical representations, 0 or 1 for false or true.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 4.4 Items
Id: V-01 nš:141 Description: Test variation 391-01 using a base lexical representation of .0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:142 Description: Test variation 391-02 using a base lexical representation of 0.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:143 Description: Test variation 391-03 using a base lexical representation of 0. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:144 Description: Test variation 391-04 using a base lexical representation of 0000. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:145 Description: Test variation 391-05 using a base lexical representation of 0 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:146 Description: Test variation 391-06 using a base lexical representation of 0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-07 nš:147 Description: Test variation 391-07 using a base lexical representation of .001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:148 Description: Test variation 391-08 using a base lexical representation of 0.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-09 nš:149 Description: Test variation 391-09 using a base lexical representation of 0000.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:150 Description: Test variation 391-10 using a base lexical representation of .00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:151 Description: Test variation 391-11 using a base lexical representation of 0.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:152 Description: Test variation 391-12 using a base lexical representation of 0000.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:153 Description: Test variation 391-13 using a base lexical representation of .1234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:154 Description: Test variation 391-14 using a base lexical representation of 0.1234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:155 Description: Test variation 391-15 using a base lexical representation of 0000.1234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-16 nš:156 Description: Test variation 391-16 using a base lexical representation of .123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-17 nš:157 Description: Test variation 391-17 using a base lexical representation of 0.123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-18 nš:158 Description: Test variation 391-18 using a base lexical representation of 0000.123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-19 nš:159 Description: Test variation 391-19 using a base lexical representation of 1234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-20 nš:160 Description: Test variation 391-20 using a base lexical representation of 001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-21 nš:161 Description: Test variation 391-21 using a base lexical representation of 001234. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-22 nš:162 Description: Test variation 391-22 using a base lexical representation of 1234. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-23 nš:163 Description: Test variation 391-23 using a base lexical representation of 1234.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-24 nš:164 Description: Test variation 391-24 using a base lexical representation of 001234.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-25 nš:165 Description: Test variation 391-25 using a base lexical representation of 123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-26 nš:166 Description: Test variation 391-26 using a base lexical representation of 00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-27 nš:167 Description: Test variation 391-27 using a base lexical representation of 123400. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-28 nš:168 Description: Test variation 391-28 using a base lexical representation of 00123400. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-29 nš:169 Description: Test variation 391-29 using a base lexical representation of 123400.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-30 nš:170 Description: Test variation 391-30 using a base lexical representation of 00123400.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-31 nš:171 Description: Test variation 391-31 using a base lexical representation of 1234.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-32 nš:172 Description: Test variation 391-32 using a base lexical representation of 001234.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-33 nš:173 Description: Test variation 391-33 using a base lexical representation of 123400.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-34 nš:174 Description: Test variation 391-34 using a base lexical representation of 00123400.001234 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-35 nš:175 Description: Test variation 391-35 using a base lexical representation of 1234.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-36 nš:176 Description: Test variation 391-36 using a base lexical representation of 001234.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-37 nš:177 Description: Test variation 391-37 using a base lexical representation of 123400.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-38 nš:178 Description: Test variation 391-38 using a base lexical representation of 00123400.00123400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-39 nš:179 Description: Test variation 391-39 using a base lexical representation of .001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-40 nš:180 Description: Test variation 391-40 using a base lexical representation of 0.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-41 nš:181 Description: Test variation 391-41 using a base lexical representation of 0000.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-42 nš:182 Description: Test variation 391-42 using a base lexical representation of .00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-43 nš:183 Description: Test variation 391-43 using a base lexical representation of 0.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-44 nš:184 Description: Test variation 391-44 using a base lexical representation of 0000.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-45 nš:185 Description: Test variation 391-45 using a base lexical representation of .1204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-46 nš:186 Description: Test variation 391-46 using a base lexical representation of 0.1204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-47 nš:187 Description: Test variation 391-47 using a base lexical representation of 0000.1204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-48 nš:188 Description: Test variation 391-48 using a base lexical representation of .120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-49 nš:189 Description: Test variation 391-49 using a base lexical representation of 0.120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-50 nš:190 Description: Test variation 391-50 using a base lexical representation of 0000.120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-51 nš:191 Description: Test variation 391-51 using a base lexical representation of 1204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-52 nš:192 Description: Test variation 391-52 using a base lexical representation of 001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-53 nš:193 Description: Test variation 391-53 using a base lexical representation of 001204. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-54 nš:194 Description: Test variation 391-54 using a base lexical representation of 1204. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-55 nš:195 Description: Test variation 391-55 using a base lexical representation of 1204.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-56 nš:196 Description: Test variation 391-56 using a base lexical representation of 001204.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-57 nš:197 Description: Test variation 391-57 using a base lexical representation of 120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-58 nš:198 Description: Test variation 391-58 using a base lexical representation of 00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-59 nš:199 Description: Test variation 391-59 using a base lexical representation of 120400. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-60 nš:200 Description: Test variation 391-60 using a base lexical representation of 00120400. for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-61 nš:201 Description: Test variation 391-61 using a base lexical representation of 120400.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-62 nš:202 Description: Test variation 391-62 using a base lexical representation of 00120400.0000 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-63 nš:203 Description: Test variation 391-63 using a base lexical representation of 1204.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-64 nš:204 Description: Test variation 391-64 using a base lexical representation of 001204.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-65 nš:205 Description: Test variation 391-65 using a base lexical representation of 120400.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-66 nš:206 Description: Test variation 391-66 using a base lexical representation of 00120400.001204 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-67 nš:207 Description: Test variation 391-67 using a base lexical representation of 1204.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-68 nš:208 Description: Test variation 391-68 using a base lexical representation of 001204.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-69 nš:209 Description: Test variation 391-69 using a base lexical representation of 120400.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-70 nš:210 Description: Test variation 391-70 using a base lexical representation of 00120400.00120400 for the data value with various exponent parts
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section The DefinitionArc Element
Id: V-1 nš:211 Description: 392.01 Valid example of essence-alias attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:212 Description: 392.02 Valid example of essence-alias attribute using duplicate.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:213 Description: 392.03 Valid example of essence-alias attribute using duplicate. No copy happens.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:214 Description: 392.04 Valid example of essence-alias attribute not to apply reverse direction.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:215 Description: 392.05 Valid example of essence-alias attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:216 Description: 392.06 Invalid example of essence-alias attribute.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Numeric fact example:TaxExpense and Numeric fact example:ForeignDomesticIncomeTaxExpense participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) and u-equal (Unit Equal) but they are not v-equal (Value equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-7 nš:217 Description: 392.07 Valid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset has items set to essence-alias, but Essence item and alias items are located in other tuples, so even if these values are not identical but it is still valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:218 Description: 392.08 Invalid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset has items set to essence-alias, but Essence item and alias items in same tuple are not identical but other essence item in other tuple is identical. So scoping is wrong, it is invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Numeric fact example:TaxExpense and Numeric fact example:ForeignDomesticIncomeTaxExpense participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) and u-equal (Unit Equal) but they are not v-equal (Value equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-9 nš:219 Description: 392.09 Valid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset has items set to essence-alias, One Essence item in same tuple with alias is identical and other essence items located in other tuples is no identical, By scoping, it is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:220 Description: 392.10 Invalid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset has numeric items set to essence-alias, but Essence item and alias item have different units. so it is invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Numeric fact example:TaxExpense and Numeric fact example:ForeignDomesticIncomeTaxExpense participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) but they are not u-equal (Unit Equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-11 nš:221 Description: 392.11 Valid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset has items set to essence-alias, but Essence item and alias item are different values and units. so it is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:222 Description: 392.12 Invalid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset make an essence-alias relation between two different item type.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-12-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-12-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is definitionLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the essence-alias relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-12-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1/3), the from element Item ea:ForeignIncomeTaxExpenseTypeDecimal and the to element Item ea:CurrentDeferredIncomeTaxExpense MUST have the same item type
Id: V-13 nš:223 Description: 392.13 Invalid example of essence-alias attribute. This testset make an essence-alias relation between two items which are different period type.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-13-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-13-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is definitionLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the essence-alias relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/392-13-EssenceAlias_definition.xml#element(/1/1/3), the from element Item ea:ForeignIncomeTaxExpenseDuration and the to element Item ea:CurrentDeferredIncomeTaxExpense MUST have the same period type
Id: V-14 nš:224 Description: 392.14 Valid example of essence-alias attribute regarding nonNumericContext.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:225 Description: 392.15 invalid example of essence-alias attribute regarding nonNumericContext.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Non numeric fact example:desc1 and Non numeric fact example:desc2 participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) and u-equal (Unit Equal) but they are not v-equal (Value equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Id: V-16 nš:226 Description: 392.16 Valid example of essence-alias attribute regarding nonNumericContext.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-17 nš:227 Description: 392.17 invalid example of essence-alias attribute regarding nonNumericContext.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Facts Non numeric fact example:desc1 and Non numeric fact example:desc2 participate in an essence-alias relationship. They are c-equal (Context Equal) and p-equal (Parent Equal) and u-equal (Unit Equal) but they are not v-equal (Value equal) so they cannot be considered one the essence and the other the alias.
Section The CalculationArc Element
Id: V-1 nš:228 Description: 395.01 Valid example of summation-item attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:229 Description: 395.02 This is a test for detecting inconsistency between value in an Instance and value calculated by calculation link..This is set to invalid but the document validity itself is still valid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact example:Asset is 1,500 p(2), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,567.3 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(example:CurrentAsset=582.3 p(4)) + (1.0)x(example:FixedAsset=985 p(3))
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/300-instance/395-02-InferCalculatedValueConsistencyDifferentValue.xml - Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST detect and signal inconsistencies, as defined above, between an XBRL instance and the summation-item arcs of calculation linkbases in its supporting DTS
Id: V-00 nš:230 Description: A simple consistent instance; A = B + C
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-01 nš:231 Description: A simple inconsistent instance; A != B + C
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 4 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 3 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=2 p(INF))
Id: V-02 nš:232 Description: A != B + C, but A is in a different context from B and C, so B and C are not contributing items for A. No checks are performed. The instance is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:233 Description: A != B + C, but A has a different unit from B and C, so B and C are not contributing items for A. No checks are performed. The instance is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:234 Description: B and C are c-equal and u-equal to A. B and C are contributing items for A, but A != B + C so the instance is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1_dup" Value of Fact abc:A is 4 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 3 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:C=2 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-05 nš:235 Description: B and C are both nil-valued, so neither contributes to A. No checks are performed. The instance is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:236 Description: B is nil-valued but C is not. A = C, so the instance is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-07 nš:237 Description: B is nil-valued but C is not. A != C, so the instance is not consistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 4 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:C=2 p(INF))
Id: V-08 nš:238 Description: A simple consistent instance; A = B; C not present
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-09 nš:239 Description: A simple inconsistent instance; A != B; C not present
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 3 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-10 nš:240 Description: A (the summation item) is nil, so no checks are performed.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:241 Description: Two occurrences of A, the first of which is nil. The first is ignored. The second would result in an inconsistency were it not for the fact that it is a duplicate of the first (because values are not considered).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:242 Description: Things don't add up, but this goes undetected because one of the contributing items is duplicated.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:243 Description: All items within one tuple, and things don't add up.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 0 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-14 nš:244 Description: Summation item is in a separate tuple from occurrences of the contributing concepts. Because of tuple scoping rules, the summation item has no contributing items. Nothing is checked. The instance is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:245 Description: Contributing items (within tuples) are in-scope for the summation item (at top level). Inconsistency should be detected.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 0 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-16 nš:246 Description: Summation item at top level has sibling contributing items and nephew contributing items. Inconsistency should be detected.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 2 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 4 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-17 nš:247 Description: Binding across many levels (consistent).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-18 nš:248 Description: Binding across many levels (inconsistent).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 0 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(INF))
Id: V-19 nš:249 Description: Would be inconsistent, were it not for the duplicate contributing items deep in the hierarchy.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-20 nš:250 Description: If you infer a value for 'A', then X is consistent, but since this is not allowed, the instance is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact xyz:X is 3 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(xyz:Y=1 p(INF))
Id: V-21 nš:251 Description: If you infer a value for 'A', then X is consistent, but since this is not allowed, the instance is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact xyz:X is 3 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(xyz:Y=1 p(INF))
Id: V-22 nš:252 Description: The 'B' and 'C' children both inside and outside the tuple are, according to the spec, bound in the summation of 'A' at the top level. 10 + 20 + 1 + 2 is not equal to 3.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 3 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 33 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=2 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=20 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=10 p(INF))
Id: V-23 nš:253 Description: The 'B' children both inside and outside the tuple are, according to the spec, bound in the summation of 'A' at the top level. 20 + 2 equals 22.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-24 nš:254 Description: Value of A = 0.8 to precision zero is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Numeric fact abc:A was rounded to precision 0. The result value is not zero and not any number.
Id: V-25 nš:255 Description: Value of A = 0.4 to precision zero is inconsistent.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 0 p(0), and is not equal to the calculated value 1 p(INF). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=0.5 p(INF)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=0.5 p(INF))
Id: V-26 nš:256 Description: Valid with decimals summation because 0.5 (precision=INF) + -0.5 (precision=INF) = 0.08 (decimals=0). Valid, since 0.08 to 0 decimal places becomes 0, which agrees with the calculated total. (In prior approach based on inferred precision, if stated decimals is less than the actual precision, you get precision 0 which is inconsistent.)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-27 nš:257 Description: Invalid with decimals summation because 0.5 (precision=INF) + -0.5 (precision=INF) != 0.8 (decimals=0). It's invalid because the total gets rounded up to 1 which disagrees with the calculated total of 0. (In prior approach based on inferred precision, if stated decimals is less than the actual precision, you should get precision zero which is inconsistent.)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Inconsistency found in the set of rules defined in role: The declared value of the sum for abc:A in context identified by id="c1" is 1 with inferred or calculated precision 0, the calculated value is 0.0.
Id: V-28 nš:258 Description: In the current inferring decimals approach, the summation item reported as 100.00 precision 5, is deemed 100.00 decimals 2, and compared to a sum of contributing items 99.996, with 99.996 rounded according to the precision of the summation item, which is deemed decimals 2, so then the sum of contributing items after such rounding is 100.00, exactly matching the summation item, and this case is valid. (In the prior approach with inferred precision, this was invalid because the summation item is 100.00 precision 5 and the calculated total of contributing items is 99.996, which when rounded to precision 5, remains 99.996. This is within the implied error bounds so you might reasonably expect the calculation to be consistent. The prior spec which required inferring precision, however, says to round using the precision of the total so you actually end up checking 100 against 99.996 so that the calculation fails.)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-29 nš:259 Description: The contribution items have stated precision 0.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 1 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(0). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(0)) + (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(0))
Id: V-30 nš:260 Description: Invalid with decimals approach because 0.5 (decimals=0) + 0.5 (decimals=0) != 1 (precision=INF). It's still invalid because each 0.5 gets rounded up to 1, giving a calculated total of 2. (In prior approach based on inferring precision, invalid because the contribution items have inferred precision 0.)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact abc:A is 1 p(INF), and is not equal to the calculated value 2 p(0). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(abc:C=1 p(0)) + (1.0)x(abc:B=1 p(0))
5.1.1 - Fully conformant XBRL processors MUST support the use of the XML Schema 'nillable' attribute.
Id: V-01 nš:261 Description: It is legal for the tuple to be empty with xsi:nil='true', even though its type requires a child element, because the tuple definition has nillable='true'.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5 Taxonomies
Id: V-01 nš:262 Description: 201.01 The LinkbaseRef elements MUST hold the URI of Linkbases. In this case the URI's do not resolve to XML documents.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file label.xml included from file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-01-LinkbaseRefCounterExample.xsd, an exception of type net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException occurs. Exception message is I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/label.xml: C:\Users\Ignacio\workspace\conformance\Common\200-linkbase\label.xml (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado)
Id: V-02 nš:263 Description: 201.02 The LinkbaseRef elements hold the URI of Linkbases. In this case the URI's actually resolve to documents that contain the right kinds of XBRL linkbases.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:264 Description: 201.03 XML Base must be used to process the URI of a LinkbaseRef. In this case the schema use the xml base attribute to get the linkbase to be picked up from the base directory instead of the current directory.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:265 Description: 201.04 The LinkbaseRef XLink role attribute value must match the linkbase found at its target. In this case it does not. The role indicates a label linkbase and the actual linkbase is a reference linkbase.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-04-LinkbaseRefLabelCounterExample.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-reference.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}referenceLink
Id: V-05 nš:266 Description: 201.05 The LinkbaseRef element role must match the linkbase found at its target. In this case it does not. The role indicates a reference linkbase and the actual linkbase is a label linkbase.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-05-LinkbaseRefReferenceCounterExample.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-label.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}labelLink
Id: V-06 nš:267 Description: 201.06 The LinkbaseRef element role must match the linkbase found at its target. In this case a calculation linkbase is indicated and a definition linkbase is provided.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-06-LinkbaseRefDefinitionCounterExample.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-definition.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}definitionLink
Id: V-07 nš:268 Description: 201.07 The LinkbaseRef element role must match the linkbase found at its target. In this case a definition linkbase is indicated and a presentation linkbase is provided.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-07-LinkbaseRefPresentationCounterExample.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-presentation.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}presentationLink
Id: V-08 nš:269 Description: 201.08 The LinkbaseRef element role must match the linkbase found at its target. In this case a presentation linkbase is indicated and a calculation linkbase is provided.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-08-LinkbaseRefCalculationCounterExample.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-calculation.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}calculationLink
Id: V-09 nš:270 Description: 201.09 There can be any number of LinkbaseRef elements having the same role but the role must always match the target.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:271 Description: 201.10 The LinkbaseRef element in the second appinfo section holds the URI of a reference linkbase, but uses a role that should only point to label Linkbases.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/201-10-InvalidLinbaseRefInSecondAppinfo.xsd the linkbaseRef element pointing to linkbase document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/LinkbaseRef-reference.xml and with role, the role and linkbase content does not match. Linkbase content is {}referenceLink
Section Arc equivalence
Id: V-01 nš:272 Description: 202.01 A URI reference appearing in an href attribute must resolve to an XML Schema element element or an xlink resource-type element
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:273 Description: 202.02 A URI reference appearing in an href attribute must resolve to an XML Schema element element or an xlink resource-type element
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-02-HrefResolutionCounterExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/5) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-02-HrefResolutionCounterExample-label.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is labelLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the concept-label relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-02-HrefResolutionCounterExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/5), the from element XML Fragment: import MUST be a concept definition
Id: V-03 nš:274 Description: 202.03 A URI reference appearing in an href attribute must be computed using the method described in XML Base [XMLBase]. Xsd specifies base for linkbase as "./base/".
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03a nš:275 Description: 202.03a Same as 202.03 (V-03) but instead readMeFirst on linkbase, the readMeFirst is on the xsd.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03b nš:276 Description: 202.03b Same as 202.03 (V-03) but instead of Xsd base for linkbase as "./base/", here base is "base/" (without leading ./).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03c nš:277 Description: 202.03c Same as 202.03 (V-03) but instead of Xsd base for linkbase as "./base/", here base is "./base" (without trailing /) so base is actually the parent (this directory) where the linkbase isn't.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file 202-03c-HrefResolutionXMLBase-label.xml included from file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-03c-HrefResolutionXMLBase.xsd, an exception of type net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException occurs. Exception message is I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-03c-HrefResolutionXMLBase-label.xml: C:\Users\Ignacio\workspace\conformance\Common\200-linkbase\202-03c-HrefResolutionXMLBase-label.xml (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado)
Id: V-03d nš:278 Description: 202.03d Same as 202.03 (V-03) but instead enclosing appinfo has base="base/" and its enclosing annotation has base="base/", so effective base for linkbaseRef is "base/base/". The surrounding directories have the linkbase file but with invalid locs, so it will fail if enclosing element base's aren't processed correctly.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03e nš:279 Description: 202.03e Same as 202.03d (V-03d), but the linkbaseRef element has base="./base", which will result in an effective base="base/base/base" which is still base/base/ for relative URI resolution, so the valid linkbase is obtained.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03f nš:280 Description: 202.03f The linkbase has an xml:base="base/base/base" which means the relative URIs resolve to base/base/. The xsd discovery should find the xsd in the base/base/ directory.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:281 Description: 202.05 element() scheme pointers are legal (Spec 3.5.4)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:282 Description: 202.06 Locators with different xlink labels pointing to the same taxonomy element.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-07 nš:283 Description: 202.07 shorthand pointers are legal (Spec 3.5.4)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:284 Description: 202.08 xpointer() Scheme pointers are illegal (Spec 3.5.4)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception xpointer xpointer(//*[@name='aaa']) is not legal in XBRL. xpointer() Scheme pointers are illegal as per Spec 3.5.4
Id: V-09 nš:285 Description: 202.09 element() Scheme pointers are legal (Spec 3.5.4)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:286 Description: 202.10 A sequence of element() Schemes in an X pointer is legal (Spec 3.5.4). The first of the element schemes does not resolve but the second does.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:287 Description: 202.11 An xmlns() scheme in an X pointer is illegal in XBRL 2.1 (Spec 3.5.4) even if resolution of that scheme is not attempted because an early scheme resolves.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception xpointer element(/1/3)xmlns(abc= contains an xmlns() definition which may be a valid XPointer syntax but it is not valid in XBRL
Id: V-12 nš:288 Description: 202.12 An element scheme in an X pointer in a label linkbase locator that does not resolve to a concept is illegal. See in the XBRL 2.1 specification.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-12-ElementSchemeXPointerLocatorExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-12-ElementSchemeXPointerLocatorExample-label.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is labelLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the concept-label relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/202-12-ElementSchemeXPointerLocatorExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/3), the from element XML Fragment: xsd:schema MUST be a concept definition
Id: V-13 nš:289 Description: 202.13 An element scheme in an X pointer in a linkbaseRef. See in the XBRL 2.1 specification.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5.7.7 The arcrole Attribute
Id: V-4 nš:290 Description: 204.04 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a presentation network of parent-child arc roles that contains no cycles.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:291 Description: 204.05 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates two presentation networks of parent-child arc roles that contains no cycles. If the networks were interpreted as a single network than a cycle would occur.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:292 Description: 204.06 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a presentation network of parent-child arc roles that contain a directed cycle between conceptB, conceptE and conceptJ.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcCyclesPCDC_presentation.xml#element(/1/11/3) from Item self:conceptJ to Item self:conceptB a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type presentationLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item self:conceptA, Item self:conceptB, Item self:conceptE, Item self:conceptJ
Id: V-7 nš:293 Description: 204.07 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesPCNC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG. It also prohibits the arc between conceptB and conceptD and creates a new arc between conceptA and conceptD. The ArcCyclesPCNCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesPCNC.xsd
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:294 Description: 204.08 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesPCNC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG and a child of conceptL. This forms an undirected cycle bewteen conceptA, conceptB, conceptE, conceptI, conceptA, conceptG and conceptC. The ArcCyclesPCWCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesPCNC.xsd
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Directed cycles found in network of relationships: :presentationLink Role: Arcrole:
Id: V-9 nš:295 Description: 204.09 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a calculation network of summation-item arc roles that contains no cycles.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:296 Description: 204.10 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates two calculation networks of summation-item arc roles that contains no cycles. If the networks were interpreted as a single network than a cycle would occur.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:297 Description: 204.11 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a calculation network of summation-item arc roles that contain an undirected cycle between conceptA, conceptB and conceptD.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:298 Description: 204.12 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a calculation network of summation-item arc roles that contain a directed cycle between conceptB, conceptE and conceptJ.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:299 Description: 204.13 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesSINC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG. It also prohibits the arc between conceptB and conceptD and creates a new arc between conceptA and conceptD. The ArcCyclesSINCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesSINC.xsd
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:300 Description: 204.14 summation-item arcs may form any cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesSINC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG and a child of conceptL. This forms an undirected cycle bewteen conceptA, conceptB, conceptE, conceptI, conceptA, conceptG and conceptC. The ArcCyclesSIWCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesSINC.xsd
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-15 nš:301 Description: 204.15 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a definition network of general-special arc roles that contains no cycles.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-16 nš:302 Description: 204.16 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates two definition networks of general-special arc roles that contains no cycles. If the networks were interpreted as a single network than a cycle would occur.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-17 nš:303 Description: 204.17 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a definition network of general-special arc roles that contain an undirected cycle between conceptA, conceptB and conceptD.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-18 nš:304 Description: 204.18 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a definition network of general-special arc roles that contain a directed cycle between conceptB, conceptE and conceptJ.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcCyclesGSDC_definition.xml#element(/1/11/3) from Item self:conceptJ to Item self:conceptB a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item self:conceptA, Item self:conceptB, Item self:conceptE, Item self:conceptJ
Id: V-19 nš:305 Description: 204.19 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG. It also prohibits the arc between conceptB and conceptD and creates a new arc between conceptA and conceptD. The ArcCyclesGSNCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-20 nš:306 Description: 204.20 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG and a child of conceptL. This forms an undirected cycle bewteen conceptA, conceptB, conceptE, conceptI, conceptA, conceptG and conceptC. The ArcCyclesGSWCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-21 nš:307 Description: 204.21 general-special arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema extends the ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd taxonomy and defines conceptZ. The linkbase adds conceptZ as a child of conceptG and makes conceptC a child of concept A. This forms a directed cycle bewteen conceptC, conceptG and conceptZ. The ArcCyclesGSWCExtension.xsd taxonomy schema imports ArcCyclesGSNC.xsd
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcCyclesGSWDCExtension_definition.xml#element(/1/2/3) from Item conceptZ to Item self:conceptC a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item self:conceptA, Item self:conceptC, Item conceptZ, Item self:conceptG
Id: V-22 nš:308 Description: 204.22 parent-child arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema defines concepts conceptA through conceptL. The presentation linkbase referenced in the linkbaseRef element creates a network of arcs that forms an undirected cycle between concepts A, B and D.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-23 nš:309 Description: 204.23 essence-alias arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a definition network of essence-alias arc roles that contain an undirected cycle between conceptA, conceptB and conceptD.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-24 nš:310 Description: 204.24 essence-alias arcs must not form directed cycles. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates a definition network of essence-alias arc roles that contain a directed cycle between conceptB, conceptE and conceptJ.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcCyclesEADC_definition.xml#element(/1/11/3) from Item self:conceptJ to Item self:conceptB a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item self:conceptA, Item self:conceptB, Item self:conceptE, Item self:conceptJ
Id: V-29 nš:311 Description: Tests that base sets are determined by arc's element name in addition to role and arcrole. This schema and linkbase creates a set of concepts (named conceptA to conceptL) and creates two networks of custom arcrole1 arcroles that contains no cycles. One network has arc elements of the presentationArc element, the second network has arc elements of a calculationArc network. If the base sets processing did not separate arcs into the networks by arc element (or link element), then they would appear to have a cycle. (A more thorough companion series to V-29 and V-30, based on generic arcs, is in generic arc cycles tests, directory 70000, 70018-GenericLink-StaticAnalysis-Arc-Cycles, V-02 to V-04.)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-30 nš:312 Description: Companion to V-29, but all arc elements have the presentationArc element, in links of element presentationLink, a direct cycle. Assures that the detection of cycles is performed for custom arcrole1 role as expected when the network separations of arc element or link element, of V-290, are not used.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Directed cycles found in network of relationships: :presentationLink Role: Arcrole:
Section 5.5.8
Id: V-1 nš:313 Description: 205.01 A new role for use on a linkbaseRef is defined in RoleSSchema.xsd. A new extended link element and arc type element are also defined in this schema. The RoleS.xsd taxonomy schema uses the new role on the linkbaseRef element pointing to RoleS_linkbase.xml
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:314 Description: 205.02 A new role for used on the extended-type presentationLink element is defined in RoleE.xsd. RoleE_presentation.xml uses the new role.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:315 Description: 205.03 A new role for used on a label resource element is defined in RoleL.xsd. RoleL_label.xml uses the new role.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:316 Description: 205.04 A new role for used on a reference resource element is defined in RoleR.xsd. RoleR_reference.xml uses the new role.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:317 Description: 205.05 A new role for use on a presentationLink elment is defined in RoleSBUSchema.xsd. A new extended link element and arc type element are also defined in this schema. The RoleSBU.xsd taxonomy schema uses the new role on the linkbaseRef element pointing to RoleSBU_linkbase.xml. The role is defined to be used on a presentationLink element, but this does not matter since this is not checked for custom links.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:318 Description: 205.06 A new role for use on a linkbaseRef elment is defined in RoleSBRSchema.xsd. A new extended link element and arc type element are also defined in this schema. The RoleSBR.xsd taxonomy schema attempts to use the new role on the linkbaseRef element pointing to RoleSBR_linkbase.xml. On the linkbaseRef element, the fragment identifier of the role does not match the name defined on the roleType element. This does not matter because this is not checked for linkbaseRefs.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:319 Description: 205.07 A new role for use on a linkbaseRef elment is defined in RoleSBRSchema.xsd. The same role is also defined in RoleSDR2Schema.xsd. RoleSDRschema.xsd imports RoleSDR2Schema.xsd. Since both schemas are part of the DTS (via the import) the role is defined twice,however, this doesn't matter because they are equivalent, and, more importantly, this is not checked for linkbaseRefs anyway. The RoleSDR.xsd uses the new role on a linkbaseRef pointing to RoleSDR_linkbase.xml.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:320 Description: 205.08 A new role for use on a linkbaseRef elment is defined in RoleSBRISchema.xsd. The same role is also defined in RoleSDRI2Schema.xsd with a different usedOn list. RoleSDRIschema.xsd imports RoleSDRI2Schema.xsd. Since both schemas are part of the DTS (via the import) the role is defined twice. Because role definitions for the same role are defined separately, the DTS is invalid. The RoleSDRI.xsd uses the new role on a linkbaseRef pointing to RoleSDRI_linkbase.xml.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Two role type definitions with the same role URI are not s-equal (semantically equal) role type definitions. One is located at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/RoleSDRI2Schema.xsd#element(/1/1/1/1) and the other is at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/RoleSDRISchema.xsd#element(/1/1/1/1)
Id: V-9 nš:321 Description: 205.09 A new role intended for used on the extended-type presentationLink element is defined in RoleE.xsd, however the usedOn attribute indicates the definitionLink. RoleE_presentation.xml uses the new role. The element that the role is used on does not match the usedOn attribute on the roleType.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Role uri is used on element {}presentationLink but there is no a usedOn declaration for that element QName. Valid elements are: {}definitionLink
Id: V-10 nš:322 Description: 205.10 A role is defined in RoleE2.xsd, once for use on a presentationLink element and once for use on a defintionLink element. RoleE2.xsd points to RoleE2_presentation.xml (a presentation linkbase) and RoleE2_definition.xml (a definition linkbase) via linkbaseRef elements. The presentation linkbases uses the role on the presentationLink element. The definition linkbase uses the role on the definitionLink element. These uses are valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:323 Description: 205.11 Two roles with the same URI are defined in RoleLDR.xsd with one for use on a label and one for reference resources. The two definitions are not equivalent so this should be an error.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Role type is defined more than once in the same taxonomy schema
Section 5.5.9
Id: V-1 nš:324 Description: 206.01 ArcRoleG.xsd declares a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:325 Description: 206.02 ArcRoleBU.xsd declares a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements. In the ArcRoleBU_calculation.xml linkbase, the new arc role is used on a calculation arc.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Arcrole uri is used on element {}calculationArc but there is no a usedOn declaration for that element QName. Valid elements are: {}presentationArc
Id: V-3 nš:326 Description: 206.03 ArcRoleBR.xsd declares a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements. In the ArcroleBR_presentation.xml linkbase, a presentationArc element uses cell-row as the arc role which is not declared. The arcroleRef contains the URI for the cell-row arc role with an href pointing to the arcroleType for row-cell.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception ArcroleType definition not found in the referenced schema ArcRoleBR.xsd#row-cell
Id: V-4 nš:327 Description: 206.04 ArcRoleBR2.xsd declares a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements. In the ArcroleBR_presentation.xml linkbase, a presentationArc element uses cell-row as the arc role which is not declared. There is no arcroleRef to resolve the cell-row arc role.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The arcroleURI is used on {}presentationLink but declaration of the arcroleType cannot be found via arcroleRef. XPath is /link:linkbase[1]/link:presentationLink[1]
Id: V-5 nš:328 Description: 206.05 ArcRoleDR.xsd declares a new arc role twice within the same taxonomy schema document called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Arcrole type is defined more than once in the same taxonomy schema
Id: V-6 nš:329 Description: 206.06 ArcRoleDR2.xsd and ArcRoleDR2a declare a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements. The ArcRoleDR2_presentation.xml linkbase has locator to both of these schemas. So that in the DTS, the arc role is declared twice. Since the declarations are equivalent, the files are valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:330 Description: 206.07 ArcRoleDR3.xsd and ArcRoleDR3a declare a new arc role called row-cell for use on prsentationArc elements. The ArcRoleDR3_presentation.xml linkbase has locator to both of these schemas. So that in the DTS, the arc role is declared twice. Since the declarations are not equivalent, the files are not valid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Two arcrole type definitions with the same arcrole URI are not s-equal (semantically equal) arcrole type definitions. One is located at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcRoleDR3a.xsd#element(/1/1/1/1) and the other is at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/ArcRoleDR3.xsd#element(/1/1/1/1)
Id: V-8 nš:331 Description: A set of custom arc roles are defined to demonstrate allowed end points differing from the usual, per Spec call July 13, 2006 (pursuant to "Create Conformance Suite entry for summation-item end points?" Tests (a) that calculation arcs can be used between a string and a numeric end point (here to define a countOf-item relationship), (b) that calculation arcs can be used between an end point inside tuples and a statistic end point at root level (here an averageOf-quantity relationship), and (c) that definition arcs can be used between a tuple end point and an item end point at root level (here an isStatisticOf-tuple relationship). (Submitted by Herm Fischer, UBmatrix,
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5.5.9
Id: V-1 nš:332 Description: 207.01 DecArcCyclesNN.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesNN_definition.xml linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:333 Description: 207.02 DecArcCyclesNU.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesNU_definition.xml linkbase which contains an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesNU_definition.xml#element(/1/2/3) from Item conceptA to Item conceptB an undirected cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the undirected cycle exist are: Item conceptC, Item conceptB, Item conceptA, Item conceptF
Id: V-3 nš:334 Description: 207.03 DecArcCyclesND.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesND_definition.xml linkbase which contains a directed cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesND_definition.xml#element(/1/12/3) from Item conceptI to Item conceptB an undirected cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the undirected cycle exist are: Item conceptI, Item conceptA, Item conceptB, Item conceptE
Id: V-4 nš:335 Description: 207.04 DecArcCyclesNUE.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesNUE_definition.xml linkbase which in itself contains no cycles. However, via the DTS DecArcCyclesNUE2.xsd and DecArcCyclesNUE2_definition.xml are also discovered. The combined linkbases form a network containing an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesNUE_definition.xml#element(/1/10/3) from Item conceptC to Item conceptG an undirected cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the undirected cycle exist are: Item conceptH, Item conceptX, Item conceptC, Item conceptA, Item conceptG
Id: V-5 nš:336 Description: 207.05 DecArcCyclesNE.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesNE_definition.xml linkbase which in itself contains an undirected cycle. However, via the DTS DecArcCyclesNE2.xsd and DecArcCyclesNE2_definition.xml are also discovered. DecArcCyclesNE2_definition.xml prohibits the arcs that form the undirected cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:337 Description: 207.06 DecArcCyclesUN.xsd declares an arcrole that allows undirected cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesUN_definition.xml linkbase which contains no cycles.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:338 Description: 207.07 DecArcCyclesUU.xsd declares an arcrole that allows undirected cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesUU_definition.xml linkbase which contains an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:339 Description: 207.08 DecArcCyclesUD.xsd declares an arcrole that allows undirected cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesUD_definition.xml linkbase which contains a directed cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesUD_definition.xml#element(/1/13/3) from Item conceptI to Item conceptB a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item conceptI, Item conceptA, Item conceptB, Item conceptE
Id: V-9 nš:340 Description: 207.09 DecArcCyclesUUE.xsd declares an arcrole that allows undirected cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesUUE_definition.xml linkbase which in itself contains no cycles. However, via the DTS DecArcCyclesUUE2.xsd and DecArcCyclesUUE2_definition.xml are also discovered. The combined linkbases form a network of arcs that have an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:341 Description: 207.10 DecArcCyclesUDE.xsd declares an arcrole that allows undirected cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesUDE_definition.xml linkbase which in itself contains no cycles. However, via the DTS DecArcCyclesUDE2.xsd and DecArcCyclesUDE2_definition.xml are also discovered. The combined linkbases form a network of arcs that have a directed cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During processing of relationship file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesUDE2_definition.xml#element(/1/4/3) from Item conceptY to Item conceptC a directed cycle has been detected. Additional information: The relationship belongs to extended link role on a linkbase of type definitionLink. Relationship Arcrole type is Other elements that are part of the net where the directed cycle exist are: Item conceptY, Item conceptG, Item conceptA, Item conceptC
Id: V-11 nš:342 Description: 207.11 DecArcCyclesDN.xsd declares an arcrole that allows any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesDN_definition.xml linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:343 Description: 207.12 DecArcCyclesDU.xsd declares an arcrole that allows any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesDU_definition.xml linkbase which contains an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-13 nš:344 Description: 207.13 DecArcCyclesDD.xsd declares an arcrole that allows any cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesDD_definition.xml linkbase which contains a directed cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:345 Description: 207.14 DecArcCyclesNU2.xsd declares an arcrole that does not allow cycles. It references the DecArcCyclesNU2_definition.xml linkbase which contains a structure where A and Z are the parents of both B and C but there are no other cycles, directed or undirected. This forms an undirected cycle.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file ../lib/xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd included from file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/DecArcCyclesNU2.xsd, an exception of type net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException occurs. Exception message is I/O error reported by XML parser processing file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/lib/xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd: C:\Users\Ignacio\workspace\conformance\Common\lib\xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd (El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado)
Section 5 Taxonomies
Id: V-01 nš:346 Description: 209.01 Checking that trivial undirected cycles (created by a pair of arcs with the same source and destination) are detected. As per such cycles are no longer illegal.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:347 Description: 209.02 (Spec 2_1 - Section 5-2-4-2-1) Checking that two presentation arcs are NOT identified as being equivalent when they are equivalent in all other respects AND their preferredLabel attributes are not equal. There are two Presentation arcs that have exactly same structure and value except that they have preferred Label attributes different (standard, terse) The presentation arcs are not identical. the test is valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:348 Description: 209.03 Verify that arcs in separate extended-links do not violate any XLink constraint even though their 'from' and 'to' labels identify identical hrefs. The definitionLink and general-special arc are used in this test because the general-special arc allows the undirected cycle formed by the pair of arcs in this test.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:349 Description: 209.04 This test is extended from "209.03". This arcs are same as 209.03 except arcrole value. This arcs have different arcrole value,then the result of 209-04-Out.xml has two arc elements.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section - An optional balance attribute MAY be added to the definition of an element if its type is monetaryItemType or derived from monetaryItemType. The balance attribute MUST NOT be used on items that do not have type equal to the monetaryItemType or to a type that is derived from monetaryItemType. If the idea of debit/credit balance is appropriate to the element, it MAY be indicated using this attribute.
Id: V-01 nš:350 Description: 208.01 When the item and summation have no balance attribute they are consistent
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:351 Description: 208.02 If an item is a credit, and the item it sums to is a credit, its weight MUST be +1 (greater than 0)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:352 Description: 208.03 If an item is a credit and the item it sums to is a credit, its weight MUST NOT be -1 (less than 0)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-03-ItemCreditSumCreditWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-03-ItemCreditSumCreditWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-03-ItemCreditSumCreditWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), there is an invalid value for the weight attribute, CREDIT concept and CREDIT concept requires POSITIVE weight
Id: V-04 nš:353 Description: 208.04 If an item is a debit, and the item it sums to is a credit, its weight MUST NOT be +1 (greater than 0)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-04-ItemDebitSumCreditWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-04-ItemDebitSumCreditWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-04-ItemDebitSumCreditWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), there is an invalid value for the weight attribute, DEBIT concept and CREDIT concept requires NEGATIVE weight
Id: V-05 nš:354 Description: 208.05 If an item is a debit, and the item it sums to is a credit, its weight MUST be -1 (less than 0)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:355 Description: 208.06 If an item is a credit, and the item it sums to is a credit, its weight MUST NOT be +1 (greate than 0)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-06-ItemCreditSumDebitWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-06-ItemCreditSumDebitWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-06-ItemCreditSumDebitWeight+1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), there is an invalid value for the weight attribute, CREDIT concept and DEBIT concept requires NEGATIVE weight
Id: V-07 nš:356 Description: 208.07 If an item is a credit, and the item it sums to is a debit, its weight MUST be -1 (less than 0)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:357 Description: 208.08 If an item is a debit, and the item it sums to is a debit, its weight MUST be +1 (greater than 0)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-09 nš:358 Description: 208.09 If an item is a debit, and the item it sums to is a debit, its weight MUST NOT be -1 (less than 0)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-09-ItemDebitSumDebitWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-09-ItemDebitSumDebitWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/208-09-ItemDebitSumDebitWeight-1-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), there is an invalid value for the weight attribute, DEBIT concept and DEBIT concept requires POSITIVE weight
Id: V-10 nš:359 Description: 208.10 The value of a weight attribute MUST NOT be 0 (zero)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="CD1" Value of Fact example:ItemCredit is 5,000 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 0 p(4). Calculation details are: (0.0)x(example:SumCredit=5,000 p(4))
Checks that relationship equivalence is correctly evaluated.
Id: V-1 nš:360 Description: 210.01 A prohibiting arc of a higher priority overrides a relationship, thus removing the calculation relationship. The instance would be invalid if the relationship had not been prohibited.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:361 Description: 210.02 A prohibiting arc of a higher priority has a different order to another arc and thus fails to prohibit the said arc. The instance is thus invalid since it doesn't add up.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="c1" Value of Fact my:fixedAssets is 5,000 p(3), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,000 p(3). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(my:changeInRetainedEarnings=1,000 p(3))
Id: V-3 nš:362 Description: 210.03 A prohibiting arc of a higher priority has no order attribute, and another arc has order one. The instance is thus valid since the arc is prohibited as the prohibiting arc's order takes the default value.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:363 Description: 210.04 A prohibiting arc of a higher priority overrides a relationship, thus removing the calculation relationship. The instance would be invalid if the relationship had not been prohibited. In this variation, linkbase calculation-2 has the "optional" arc appear before the "prohibited".
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:364 Description: 210.05 A prohibiting arc of a higher priority overrides a relationship, thus removing the calculation relationship. The instance would be invalid if the relationship had not been prohibited. In this variation, linkbase calculation-2 has the "prohibited" arc appear before the "optional".
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/210-05-RelationshipEquivalence-instance.xml - Within a roleType element there MUST NOT be s-equal usedOn elements.
Id: V-00 nš:365 Description: A valid roleType. usedOn elements refer to different elements in the same namespace.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-01 nš:366 Description: Simple invalid roleType. usedOn elements refer to the same element twice. QName content of the two usedOn elements is lexically identical AND equal in the QName value space (same prefix, same namespace, same local name).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the definition of Role type at Taxonomy in file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/211-01-SEqualUsedOnSamePrefixSameNamespace-invalid.xsd with URI there is a duplicate for the possible location foo:foo
Id: V-02 nš:367 Description: roleType invalid according to erratum 041. usedOn elements refer to the same element twice. QName content of the two usedOn elements is lexically different, but equal in the QName value space (prefixes are different, but both prefixes are bound to the same namespace).
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the definition of Role type at Taxonomy in file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/211-02-SEqualUsedOnDifferentPrefixesSameNamespace-invalid.xsd with URI there is a duplicate for the possible location foo2:foo
Id: V-03 nš:368 Description: roleType that is valid according to erratum 041. usedOn elements refer to elements that have the same local name but different namespaces. QName content of the two usedOn elements is lexically identical but distinct in the QName value space (prefixes are the same, but each prefix is bound to a different namespace).
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/211-03-NonSEqualUsedOnSamePrefixDifferentNamespaces-valid.xsd and linkbase documentation elements.
Id: V-01 nš:369 Description: A valid documentation element as a child of a linkbase element. There are no attributes on the documentation element.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:370 Description: A documentation element as a child of a linkbase element but where the documentation element has a valid xml:lang attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:371 Description: A documentation element as a child of a linkbase element but where the documentation element has a valid attribute with an explicitly declared namespace.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:372 Description: A documentation element as a child of a linkbase element but where the documentation element has no content.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:373 Description: A valid documentation element as a child of an extended link. There are no attributes on the documentation element.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:374 Description: A documentation element as a child of an extended link but where the documentation element has a valid xml:lang attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-09 nš:375 Description: A documentation element as a child of an extended link but where the documentation element has a valid attribute with an explicitly declared namespace.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:376 Description: A documentation element as a child of an extended link element but where the documentation element has no content.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section - Summation-item arcs MUST represent relationships only between concepts that are in the item substitution group and whose type is numeric.
Id: V-01 nš:377 Description: 213.01 When the Summation and Item are numeric it is consistent.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:378 Description: 213.02 The
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-02-SummationNonNumeric_ItemNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-02-SummationNonNumeric_ItemNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is link:calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-02-SummationNonNumeric_ItemNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), the from element Item a:str1 MUST be numeric
Id: V-03 nš:379 Description: 213.03
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-03-SummationNumeric_ItemNonNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-03-SummationNumeric_ItemNonNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is link:calculationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the summation-item relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/213-03-SummationNumeric_ItemNonNumeric-calculation.xml#element(/1/1/3), the target element Item a:str1 must be a numeric item. In this case the element is not of a numeric type.
Test that LAX validation is performed
Id: V-01 nš:380 Description: Label has an attribute which is undefined. Linkbase schema allows anyAttribute of xml namespace with lax processing.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:381 Description: same as V-01 but has an invalid value in xml:space attribute (lax)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 17 column 18 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/214-lax-validation-02-label.xml#element(/1). The error message is Validating label/@xml:space: The value "this is not valid" is not a valid NCName
Id: V-03 nš:382 Description: same as V-01 but has an valid value in xml:lang attribute (lax)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:383 Description: same as V-01 but has an invalid value in xml:lang attribute (lax)
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 16 column 18 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/214-lax-validation-04-label.xml#element(/1). The error message is Validating label/@xml:lang: Value "startrek-klingonian" does not match any member of union type of attribute xml:lang
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/214-lax-validation-04.xsd and linkbase roleRef and arcroleRef elements.
Id: V-01 nš:384 Description: 215-01-calculation.xml contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-01-calculation.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-01-calculation.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-02 nš:385 Description: 215-02-definition.xml contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-02-definition.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-02-definition.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-03 nš:386 Description: 215-03-label.xml contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-03-label.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-03-label.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-04 nš:387 Description: 215-04-presentation.xml contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-04-presentation.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-04-presentation.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-05 nš:388 Description: 215-05-reference.xml contains two role references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-05-reference.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-05-reference.xml there is a duplicate use of roleURI
Id: V-06 nš:389 Description: 215-06-calculation.xml contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-06-calculation.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-06-calculation.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Id: V-07 nš:390 Description: 215-07-definition.xml contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-07-definition.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-07-definition.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Id: V-08 nš:391 Description: 215-08-label.xml contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-08-label.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-08-label.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Id: V-09 nš:392 Description: 215-09-presentation.xml contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-09-presentation.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-09-presentation.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Id: V-10 nš:393 Description: 215-10-reference.xml contains two arcrole references to the same URI, INVALID
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception During the process of loading files in the DTS an XBRL Validation Exception has occurred on file file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-10-reference.xml. The exception message is In document file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/215-10-reference.xml there is a duplicate use of arcroleURI
Non-standard Embedded linkbases
Id: V-01 nš:394 Description: A cycle between arcs in a non-core extended link, and non-core arcs.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:395 Description: Cycle in custom arc with arcrole URI that isnt defined in an arcroleRef or arcroleType. Cycles should be OK.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:396 Description: ArcroleType and linkbase in same file, linkbase doesnt reference arcroleType which prohibits cycles. We have a cycle.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:397 Description: Arcrole defined in same file as linkbase where it is used, but with no arcroleRef. Should require arcroleRef.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The arcroleURI is used on {}labelLink but declaration of the arcroleType cannot be found via arcroleRef. XPath is /xs:schema[1]/xs:annotation[1]/xs:appinfo[1]/link:linkbase[1]/link:labelLink[1]
Id: V-05 nš:398 Description: Custom arcrole type with usedOn of presentationArc. Referenced and used on a non-standard arc. Should get error according to
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:399 Description: Individually linkbases are valid, but putting them together is undefined. Should we report the cycles?
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-07 nš:400 Description: Test of just linkbase1. It has the cycle, but no arcrole ref.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-08 nš:401 Description: Test of just linkbase1. It has the cycle, but no arcrole ref. Yet we add the arcrole type definition to the DTS.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/220-08-Taxonomy.xsd Locators may point to XML documents
Id: V-01 nš:402 Description: 230.01 Section allows locators to point to an XML document. If a link:loc points to a document, that document MUST be discovered and loaded into the DTS. In this case there is an instance document that contains facts from two taxonomies the first taxonomy is referenced in a schemaRef element. The second taxonomy is discovered through a link:loc in a custom linkbase of the first taxonomy.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:403 Description: 230.02 only link:loc elements can be used to fire DTS discovery, in this case the custom linkbase contains an element in the link:loc substitution group but the file pointed to by that loc should not be included in the DTS. The file is an invalid taxonomy that will fire an error if included in the DTS.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
XBRL 2.1 spec says duplicate arcs are not allowed on extended links. Two syntactically equal arcs in different extended links are not equal.
Id: V-01 nš:404 Description: XBRL 2.1 spec says duplicate arcs are not allowed on extended links. Two syntactically equal arcs in different extended links are not equal. Th test case must raise a calculation mistmatch. If duplicate arcs are found then the 231-02 variation will also raise the same error and this means there is something wrong in the duplicate arc recognition. If a calculation mistmatch is not found then this could be that the processor is ignoring or not resolving appropiately the overwriten relationships.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Calculation mismatch for calculation rule in extended link: In Context identified by id="ctx0" Value of Fact tx:A is 2,000 p(4), and is not equal to the calculated value 1,000 p(4). Calculation details are: (1.0)x(tx:B=1,000 p(4))
Id: V-02 nš:405 Description: XBRL 2.1 spec says duplicate arcs are not allowed on extended links. Two syntactically equal arcs in different extended links are not equal. this is a valid instance document according to the taxonomy with syntactically equal arcs that are not duplicate arcs. The example must not raise duplicate arcs errors and no calculation mistmatch or warnings of this type.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section Overriding arcs
Id: V-1 nš:406 Description: 291.01 The two disjoint label linkbases of a schema together combine into a single PTVL.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:407 Description: 291.02One label linkbase overrides another label linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:408 Description: 291.03 One label linkbase prohibits a link in another linkbase and link again. But use attribute must be prohibited so the second override must not be permitted.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-03-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-3-label.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-03-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-3-label.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is labelLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the concept-label relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-03-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-3-label.xml#element(/1/1/3), the target element Label: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-03-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-1-label.xml#labelaaa [Fixed Assets] is not a local resource and the relationship does not have an attribute use="prohibited"
Id: V-4 nš:409 Description: 291.04 The two disjoint definition linkbases of a schema together combine into a single PTVL.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:410 Description: 291.05 One Linkbase prohibits one link in another linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:411 Description: 291.06 One Linkbase prohibits and another Linkbase links againt the link in other linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:412 Description: 291.07 One label linkbase overrides another label linkbase. But overriding labelArc element's use attribute value is "optional". That's why this must be invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-07-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-2-label.xml#element(/1/1/4) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-07-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-2-label.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is labelLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the concept-label relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-07-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-2-label.xml#element(/1/1/4), the target element Label: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-07-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-1-label.xml#labelaaa [Fixed Assets] is not a local resource and the relationship does not have an attribute use="prohibited"
Id: V-08 nš:413 Description: 291.08 One label linkbase overrides another label linkbase. But overriding labelArc element have from and to attribute which both points to item in a schema.That's why this must be invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the concept-label relationship Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-08-ArcOverrideLabelLinkbases-2-label.xml#element(/1/1/4) a label to a concept definition is prohibited. The relationship target is Item currentAssets which is not valid because it is not a resource
Id: V-09 nš:414 Description: 291.09 One label linkbase overrides another label linkbase. But overriding labelLink has different role. There seems to have no special usecase for this. But it is no problem from the Specificaiton point of view. That's why this must be valid and ignored or warned.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:415 Description: 291.10 The two disjoint reference linkbases of a schema together combine into a single PTVL.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:416 Description: 291.11 One reference linkbase overrides another reference linkbase.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:417 Description: 291.12 One reference linkbase prohibits a link in another linkbase and link again. But use attribute must be prohibited so the second override must not be permitted.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document does not exist or cannot be opened
Id: V-13 nš:418 Description: 291.13 One reference linkbase overrides another reference linkbase. But overriding referenceArc element's use attribute value is "optional". That's why this must be invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-13-ArcOverrideReferenceLinkbases-2-reference.xml#element(/1/1/4) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-13-ArcOverrideReferenceLinkbases-2-reference.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is referenceLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the concept-reference relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-13-ArcOverrideReferenceLinkbases-2-reference.xml#element(/1/1/4), the target element Resource: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-13-ArcOverrideReferenceLinkbases-1-reference.xml#labelaaa is not a local resource and the relationship does not have an attribute use="prohibited"
Id: V-14 nš:419 Description: 291.14 One reference linkbase overrides another reference linkbase. But overriding referenceArc element have from and to attribute which both points to item in a schema.That's why this must be invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the concept-reference relationship Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/291-14-ArcOverrideReferenceLinkbases-2-reference.xml#element(/1/1/4) a reference to a concept definition is prohibited. The relationship target is Item currentAssets which is not valid because it is not a resource
Id: V-15 nš:420 Description: 291.15 One reference linkbase overrides another reference linkbase. But overriding referenceLink has different role. There seems to have no special usecase for this. But it is no problem from the Specificaiton point of view. That's why this must be valid and ignored or warned.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Embedded linkbases
Id: V-00 nš:421 Description: Embedded linkbase
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-01 nš:422 Description: Multiple embedded linkbases
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:423 Description: Multiple embedded linkbases, and a linkbaseref
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:424 Description: Multiple embedded linkbases, the second uses invalid arcroles
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Arcrole uri is used on element {}calculationArc but there is no a usedOn declaration for that element QName.
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/292-03-EmbeddedLinkbaseSecondInvalid.xsd The usedOn element in roleType elements / The usedOn element on arcroleType elements
Id: V-1 nš:425 Description: 293.01 A usedOn element in a roleType element identifies which standard extended link elements and resource elements may use the role type being defined. It is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:426 Description: 293.02 A usedOn element in a roleType element identifies which non-standard extended link elements and resource elements may use the role type being defined. It is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:427 Description: 293.03 A usedOn element in a roleType element identifies which standard arc elements may use the role type being defined. It is meaningless, but it is still valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:428 Description: 293.04 A usedOn element in a roleType element identifies which standard elements other than link elements may use the role type being defined. It is meaningless, but it is still valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:429 Description: 293.05 A usedOn element in an arcroleType element identifies which standard arc elements may use the arcrole type being defined. It is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:430 Description: 293.06 A usedOn element in an arcroleType element identifies which non-standard arc elements may use the arcrole type being defined. It is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:431 Description: 293.07 A usedOn element in an arcroleType element identifies which standard extended link elements may use the arcrole type being defined. It is meaningless, but it is still valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:432 Description: 293.08 A usedOn element in an arcroleType element identifies which standard elements other than link elements may use the arcrole type being defined. It is meaningless, but it is still valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section The preferredLabel attribute (optional)
Id: V-1 nš:433 Description: The presentationArc's 'to' concept has label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:434 Description: The presentationArc's 'to' concept does not have label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is link:presentationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the parent-child relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3), the concept in the target of the relationship Item conf:CurrentAsset MUST have a label with the role That label do not exist
Id: V-3 nš:435 Description: The presentationArc's 'from' concept has label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute. But the presentationArc's 'to' concept does not have label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid2-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid2-presentation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is link:presentationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the parent-child relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-single-language-invalid2-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3), the concept in the target of the relationship Item conf:CurrentAsset MUST have a label with the role That label do not exist
Id: V-4 nš:436 Description: The presentationArc's 'to' concept does not have 'en' label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute, but has 'ja' label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:437 Description: The presentationArc's 'to' concept does not have label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute, but the presentationArc's 'from' concept has 'ja' label resource with a role value which is equal to the value of the preferredLabel attribute.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-incomplete-multi-languageset-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-incomplete-multi-languageset-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is link:presentationLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the parent-child relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/200-linkbase/prefLabel-incomplete-multi-languageset-invalid-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3), the concept in the target of the relationship Item conf:CurrentAsset MUST have a label with the role That label do not exist
Section 5.4 Taxonomy Elements
Id: V-1 nš:438 Description: 102.01 The periodType attribute is required all item types.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:439 Description: 102.02 The periodType attribute is required for both numeric and non-numeric item types.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The concept definition Item t1 does not have a period type
Id: V-3 nš:440 Description: 102.03 The periodTyope attribute is not allowed on tuples.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuples must not have xbrli:periodType attribute. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-4 nš:441 Description: 102.04 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for item type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:442 Description: 102.05 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for item type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:443 Description: 102.06 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for item type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:444 Description: 102.08 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for tuple type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-9 nš:445 Description: 102.09 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for tuple type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:446 Description: 102.10 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup for tuple type elements. Added test erratam #021
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:447 Description: 102.11 Valid example for usage of substitutionGroup. The element substituted is declared in an external schema. Note this test case has been submited by Ignacio Hernandez-Ros on May 2007
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5.3 Other Data Types
Id: V-1 nš:448 Description: 103.01 An item type in a taxonomy can never have complex content unless it is derived by restriction from fractionItemType.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The item type of {}companyLocation is not derived from any of the xbrl defined types
Section 4.5 The tuple element
Id: V-1 nš:449 Description: 104.01 Tuples are derived from tupleType.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:450 Description: 104.02 Tuples are derived from tupleType and subelements all appear as references.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-3 nš:451 Description: 104.03 Subelements of a tuple may use minOccurs and maxOccurs.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:452 Description: 104.04 Tuples may be defined as a complex type.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-5 nš:453 Description: 104.05 Tuples may be defined as a complex type containing other tuples.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-6 nš:454 Description: 104.06 Anonymous type definitions are fine, per erratum 054.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-7 nš:455 Description: 104.07 Tuples may be defined using choice, sequence and all elements.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-8 nš:456 Description: 104.08 Tuples can use the any element, section 4.9, point 7, erratum 2.8.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-9 nš:457 Description: 104.09 Tuples can have unqualified local attributes other than id.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10 nš:458 Description: 104.10 Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. The tuple declaration allows "anyAttribute", and the instance takes advantage of this by putting xbrli:periodType on the tuple fact.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuple fact Tuple fact my:managementInformation at file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/104-10-TupleXBRLAttributeCounterExample.xml#element(/1/2) contains an attribute Attribute: xbrli:periodType that is in the xbrli namespace
Id: V-10b nš:459 Description: 104.10b Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. Like v-10, but without the instance. Tests whether processors reject "anyAttribute" in tuple declarations as illegal at the schema level.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10c nš:460 Description: 104.10c Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. This schema contains a tuple *requires* the use of xbrli:periodType.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuple definition contains attributes in the XBRL Instance namespace. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-10d1 nš:461 Description: 104.10d1 Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. This variation tests the namespace, by including a tuple that allows the use of xbrli:periodType.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuple definition contains attributes in the XBRL Instance namespace. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-10d2 nš:462 Description: 104.10d2 Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. This variation tests the namespace, by including a tuple that allows the use of xlink:href.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuple definition contains attributes in the XLink namespace. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-10d3 nš:463 Description: 104.10d3 Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. This variation tests the namespace, by including a tuple that allows the use of any attributes from the namespace (there aren't currently any global attributes in this namespace). Are such wildcards illegal?
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-10d4 nš:464 Description: 104.10d4 Tuples should not have attributes in XBRL spec defined namespaces. This variation tests the namespace, by including a tuple that allows the use of any attributes from the namespace (there aren't currently any global attributes in this namespace). Are such wildcards illegal?
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-11 nš:465 Description: 104.11 Tuples can use the group element.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-12 nš:466 Description: 104.12 Tuples must not use the mixed attribute.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuples MUST NOT have mixed content. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-13 nš:467 Description: 104.13 A tuple's content model can be derived by restriction from xsd:anyType.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-14 nš:468 Description: 104.14 a tuple's content model may be derived by either restriction or extension from a data type derived by xsd:anyType. This is the case of derivation of restriction.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-16 nš:469 Description: Errata #23 - 104.16 Tuple elements can be declared abstract.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-17 nš:470 Description: 104.17 In the declaration of any tuple in a taxonomy schema, declarations of child elements of that tuple MUST be references to global element declarations that are in a substitution group that has either item or tuple as its head.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuple definition contains elements that are not global. Tuple is: managementInformation
Id: V-18 nš:471 Description: 104.18 Redefine element MUST NOT be used. This is bug#30 and erratam #30
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The taxonomy Taxonomy in file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/104-18-redefine.xsd contains redefine statements at #element(/1/2) xsd:redefine. The use of xs:redefine statements in schemas is not permitted in XBRL
Id: V-19 nš:472 Description: 104.19 Abstract tuple definition can be possible. bug# 31.Erratum#28
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-20 nš:473 Description: 104.20 The XBRL 2.1 specification allows concept definitions in the types defined in the XBRL specification. One of the types defined in the specification is xbrli:contextScenarioType that in turns allows ANY content. Concept definitions using the xbrli:contextScenarioType are valid concept definitions but they must be in the xbrli:item or xbrli:tuple substitution groups. This makes possible to define a totally open fact items as in this example.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5.5.9 (Optional) An optional balance attribute MAY be added to the definition of an element if its type is monetaryItemType or derived from monetaryItemType. The balance attribute MUST NOT be used on items that do not have type equal to the monetaryItemType or to a type that is derived from monetaryItemType. If the idea of debit/credit balance is appropriate to the element, it MAY be indicated using this attribute.
Id: V-01 nš:474 Description: 105.01 Any element with a balance attibute MUST have a type attribute value of monetaryItemType
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The concept definition Item ItemWithBalance is not derived from a monetary type and has a balance attribute. The balance attribute is meaningless and MUST be removed
Id: V-02 nš:475 Description: 105.02 Elemements where the substitutionGroup attribute value is tuple MUST NOT have a balance attribute
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Tuples must not have xbrli:balance attribute. Tuple is: TupleWithBalance
Id: V-03 nš:476 Description: 105.03 An optional balance attribute MAY be added to the definition of an element if its type is monetaryItemType or derived from monetaryItemType.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:477 Description: 105.04 Derived element of Monetary datatype with Balance defined
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:478 Description: 105.05 Derived element with string datatype with Balance defined
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The concept definition Item ext:ItemWithBalance is not derived from a monetary type and has a balance attribute. The balance attribute is meaningless and MUST be removed
Section 5.1.1 - TypeExtension
Id: nš:479 Description: Type Extension - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Section 5.1 Taxonomy schemas
Id: V-1 nš:480 Description: 106.01 Taxonomy schema has non-empty targetNamespace attribute value.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-2 nš:481 Description: 106.02 Taxonomy schema has empty targetNamespace attribute value. Empty targetNamespace attribute is prohibited by Section 5.1.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/106-02-EmptyTargetNamespace.xsd included from file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/106-02-EmptyTargetNamespace.xsd, an exception of type net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaException occurs. Exception message is The zero-length string is not a legal namespace URI
Id: V-3 nš:482 Description: 106.03 Both including and included Taxonomy schemas have identical targetNamespace attribute values. Valid and XBRL specification 5.1 recommended approach.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-4 nš:483 Description: 106.04 Included taxonomy schema has no targetNamespace attribute but including taxonomy schema has targetNamespace attribute which it is valid. Even though this usage does not recommended by XBRL Specification section 5.1, this is valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
DTS discovery when linkbases are not root elements of XML documents.
Id: V-1 nš:484 Description: 107.01 DTS descovery begins from a taxonomy schema that contains a linkbase reference to a linkbase that that is placed inside the documentation of another XML schema. The other XML schema also contains valid XML Schema markup but the markup violates the requirements of the XBRL 2.1 specification. By following the rules of DTS discovery the linkbase in the second schema should be discovered, and processed *as a taxonomy schema* so the material that violates the XBRL 2.1 specification should trigger a determination that the result is invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception The concept definition Item ItemWithBalance is not derived from a monetary type and has a balance attribute. The balance attribute is meaningless and MUST be removed
Test that LAX validation is performed
Id: V-01 nš:485 Description: appinfo has an element for which there is no definition, so it is allowed; element has an attribute with no definition, so it is allowed
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:486 Description: appinfo has an element defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 18 column 80 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/114-lax-validation-02.xsd#element(/1). The error message is The content "this is not an integer" of element <integerElement> does not match the required simple type. Cannot convert string "this is not an integer" to an integer
Id: V-03 nš:487 Description: element has an attribute defined as integer with string contents
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 34 column 23 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/114-lax-validation-03.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating element/@lax-test:integerAttribute: Cannot convert string "this is not an integer" to an integer
Id: V-04 nš:488 Description: appinfo has an embedded linkbase without bad stuff, to be sure that the embedded clean linkbase is processed without error (next variation adds a schema error to the linkbase in the appinfo)
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:489 Description: appinfo has an embedded linkbase with defined valid element in unwanted location in linkbase, to ensure that xml validation is being performed on the embedded linkbase
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 20 column 35 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/114-lax-validation-05.xsd#element(/1). The error message is In content of element <labelLink>: The content model does not allow element <lax-test:stringElement> to appear here. Expected one of: {}title, {}loc, {}labelArc, {}documentation, {}label
file:/C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/114-lax-validation-05.xsd and linkbase roleRef and arcroleRef elements.
Id: V-01 nš:490 Description: 115-01.xsd contains two role references to the same URI in different linkbases, VALID.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:491 Description: 115-02.xsd contains two role references to the same URI in the same linkbase, INVALID.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/115-02.xsd#element(/1/1/1/3) included from file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/115-02.xsd, an exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException occurs. Exception message is null
Id: V-03 nš:492 Description: 115-03.xsd contains two arcrole references to the same URI in different linkbases, VALID.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-04 nš:493 Description: 115-04.xsd contains two arcrole references to the same URI in the same linkbase, INVALID.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception While processing file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/115-04.xsd#element(/1/1/1/3) included from file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/115-04.xsd, an exception of type java.lang.NullPointerException occurs. Exception message is null
Section and Section - The element where the role/arcrole is used MUST correspont to an instance of the QName defined in the roleType/arcroleType declaration but ONLY if it is used inside a standard extended link or in a custom extended link with a roleRef/arcroleRef pointing to the roleType/arcroleType declaration
Id: nš:494 Description: A new roleType definition contains a usedOn element pointing to a valid QName but a standard linkbase uses it in a different element (a label resource)- Invalid
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Role uri is used on element {}label but there is no a usedOn declaration for that element QName. Valid elements are: {}label
Id: nš:495 Description: A new roleType definition contains a usedOn element pointing to a valid QName but a standard linkbase uses it in a different element (a labelLink element)- Invalid
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Role uri is used on element {}labelLink but there is no a usedOn declaration for that element QName. Valid elements are: {}label
Id: nš:496 Description: A new roleType definition contains a usedOn element pointing to a valid QName; a custom linkbase uses it in a different element but there is no a roleRef pointing to the roleType declaration - Valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:497 Description: This is the same 160-04 test case but the hidden schema imports a new taxonomy in the DTS. That imported schema is not a valid taxonomy and it should be ignored because it is not in the DTS. - valid
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:498 Description: A role that is only used on elements that cannot accept an xlink:role attribute is nonsensical but valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:499 Description: An arcrole that is only used on elements that cannot accept an xlink:arcrole attribute is nonsensical but valid.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:500 Description: The UsedOn values are not S-Equal even though they have the same namespace prefix and element name, because the namespace prefixes resolve to different namespaces.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:501 Description: The UsedOn values are S-Equal even though they have different namespace prefixes, because the namespace prefixes resolve to the same namespace.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception In the definition of Arcrole type at Taxonomy in file file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/UsedOnSEquality-invalid.xsd with URI there is a duplicate for the possible location someArc
Section 3.4 ''XBRL instances, XBRL linkbases and XBRL taxonomy schemas MUST comply with the syntax requirements imposed in this specification. Many of these syntax requirements are expressed using XML Schemas so a part of the validation process can be performed using XML Schema validation software.'' Since annotation/appinfo stipulates lax validation, any processor that chooses to satisfy section 3.4 by employing a validating XML parser (such as Xerces) has a responsibility to ensure that the appropriate declarations for XBRL components are provided to that parser.
Id: nš:502 Description: A role type declaration with a missing id. Valid, but useless.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:503 Description: A role type declaration with an id not an ncname. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 102 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-02-roleType-id-notncname-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating roleType/@id: The value "ThisIs(not)anNCName" is not a valid NCName
Id: nš:504 Description: A role type declaration with a missing roleURI. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 53 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-03-roleType-uri-missing-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Required attribute @roleURI is missing
Id: nš:505 Description: A role type declaration with an empty roleURI. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 64 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-04-roleType-uri-empty-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating roleType/@roleURI: Value "" contravenes the minLength facet "1" of the type nonEmptyURI
Id: nš:506 Description: A role type declaration with roleURI not absolute. Invalid. Section 5.1.3 -- This isn't actually invalid according to the 2008-07-02 spec; discussion required
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:507 Description: A arcrole type declaration with a missing id. Valid, but useless.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: nš:508 Description: A arcrole type declaration with an id not an ncname. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 9 column 57 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-12-arcroleType-id-notncname-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating arcroleType/@id: The value "ThisIs(not)AnNCName" is not a valid NCName
Id: nš:509 Description: A arcrole type declaration with a missing arcroleURI. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 79 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-13-arcroleType-uri-missing-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Required attribute @arcroleURI is missing
Id: nš:510 Description: A arcrole type declaration with an empty arcroleURI. Invalid.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 93 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-14-arcroleType-uri-empty-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating arcroleType/@arcroleURI: Value "" contravenes the minLength facet "1" of the type nonEmptyURI
Id: nš:511 Description: A arcrole type declaration with arcroleURI not absolute. Invalid. Section 5.1.3
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 105 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-15-arcroleType-uri-noturi-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating arcroleType/@arcroleURI: Invalid URI: #sharp#signs
Id: nš:512 Description: A arcrole type declaration with cyclesAllowed = All Invalid. Section 5.1.3
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Schema validation error detected at line 8 column 119 during the validation of element file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/100-schema/161-16-arcroleType-cyclesAllowedAll-invalid.xsd#element(/1). The error message is Validating arcroleType/@cyclesAllowed: Value "all" contravenes the enumeration facet "none, undirected, any" of the type of attribute cyclesAllowed
XLink Arc Duplication tests. From XLink 1.0: Constraint: No Arc Duplication Each arc-type element must have a pair of from and to values that does not repeat the from and to values (respectively) for any other arc-type element in the same extended link; that is, each pair in a link must be unique.
Id: V-04 nš:513 Description: 202.04 Arc-type elements connecting the same "from" and "to" labels MUST appear in different extended-type link elements even if the arcrole attributes are equal. This is an XLink constraint.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Encapsulated Exception Adding the relationship Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04-XLinkLabelCounterExample-definition.xml#element(/1/1/3) to the extended link Extended link: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04-XLinkLabelCounterExample-definition.xml#element(/1/1), extended link type is definitionLink, role is causes an XBRLValidationException In the essence-alias relationship at Relationship: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04-XLinkLabelCounterExample-definition.xml#element(/1/1/3), the from element Item aaa and the to element Item bbb MUST have the same period type
Id: V-04a nš:514 Description: 202.04a. Similar to 202.04 above, but presentation linkbase uses same arcRole on both arcs and each has the usual XBRL order, use, and priority, to appear like a proper ordinary arc override.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception XLink error: The arcs Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04a-XLinkLabelCounterExample-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/3) and Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04a-XLinkLabelCounterExample-presentation.xml#element(/1/1/4) are duplicate arcs
Id: V-04b nš:515 Description: 202.04b. Similar to 202.04 above, but label linkbase uses same arcRole on both arcs and each has the usual XBRL order, use, and priority, to appear like a proper ordinary arc override.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception XLink error: The arcs Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04b-XLinkLabelCounterExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/5) and Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04b-XLinkLabelCounterExample-label.xml#element(/1/1/7) are duplicate arcs
Id: V-04c nš:516 Description: 202.04c. Similar to 202.04 above, but custom arc uses same arcRole on both arcs and each has the usual XBRL order, use, and priority, to appear like a proper ordinary arc override. Also, like 220 series tests, the linkbase is in the xsd to be sure that appinfo-contained linkbases are XLink validated.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception XLink error: The arcs Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04c-XLinkLabelCounterExample.xsd#element(/1/3/1/2/2/3) and Arc: file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/related-standards/xlink/arc-duplication/202-04c-XLinkLabelCounterExample.xsd#element(/1/3/1/2/2/4) are duplicate arcs
Test that LAX validation is performed. For more information please see Unique Particle Attribution (UPA) schema validation should be handled consistently between XBRL products but Roland Hommes reports it's not (and it affects his clients). This inconsistent xml schema validation affects tuples <mytuple> <balance contextRef='startInstantPeriod'...>xxx ... <change1 contextRef='durationPeriod'...>yyy1 ... <change2 contextRef='durationPeriod'...>yyy2 ... <balance contextRef='endInstantPeriod'...>zzz ... </mytuple>
Id: V-01 nš:517 Description: Beginning balance optional, changes required, ending balance optional.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-02 nš:518 Description: Beginning balance required, changes optional, ending balance optional.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-03 nš:519 Description: Beginning balance optional, changes optional, ending balance required.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception There are errors compiling in the schemas. Exception is net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaException: Error in complex type example3: Ambiguous content model: element particle <{...ormance/example}T1> appears in more than one place in the content model. Message is Error in complex type example3: Ambiguous content model: element particle <{...ormance/example}T1> appears in more than one place in the content model
Id: V-04 nš:520 Description: Beginning balance required, changes required, ending balance optional.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-05 nš:521 Description: Beginning balance required, changes required, ending balance required.
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: V-06 nš:522 Description: Beginning balance optional, changes optional, ending balance optional.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception There are errors compiling in the schemas. Exception is net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaException: Error in complex type example6: Ambiguous content model: element particle <{...ormance/example}T1> appears in more than one place in the content model. Message is Error in complex type example6: Ambiguous content model: element particle <{...ormance/example}T1> appears in more than one place in the content model
Tests XBRL constructs nested in XML containers
Id: v01 nš:523 Description: Single instance nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-01-singleNestedInstance.xml is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Id: v02 nš:524 Description: Multiple instances nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-02-multipleNestedInstances.xml is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Id: v03 nš:525 Description: Single schema nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-03-singleNestedSchema.xsd is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Id: v04 nš:526 Description: Multiple schemas nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-04-multipleNestedSchemas.xsd is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Id: v05 nš:527 Description: Single schema nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-05-singleNestedLinkbase.xsd is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Id: v06 nš:528 Description: Multiple schemas nested in an XML container.
OK. Expected invalid - result is invalid Exception Document file:///C:/Users/Ignacio/workspace/conformance/Common/400-misc/400-06-multipleNestedLinkbases.xsd is not a Taxonomy, Linkbase or XBRL Instance.
Section 4.3 The Item Element
Id: v401-01 nš:529 Description: 401-01 instance with valid QNamed, non existent element within fact value, element existence is not checked
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Id: v401-03 nš:530 Description: 401-03 valid instance QNamed fact value - with namespace and schemaref
OK. Expected valid - result is valid
Not passed: 0
Passed: 530
Not executed: 0